Programa – CBM


ISBN: 978-65-994975-9-9

(Palestras e Apresentações Orais)


11 h – 11 h 30 min

CEDAE – Metrologia para a garantia da qualidade de água
Robson Campos dos Santos Junior

11 h 30 min – 12 h


IPEM-SP – Infraestrutura da Qualidade como Ferramenta de Inovação e Competitividade 

Marcos Heleno Guerson de Oliveira Junior

12 h – 12 h 20 min

[297590] The Challenge of Developing Certified Reference Materials of Carbon Dioxide to Establish Traceability to Greenhouse Gases Monitoring Analysis

Autores: Andreia de Lima Fioravante, Claudia Cipriano Ribeiro, Viviane Fernandes Mello, Cristiane Rodrigues Augusto Chelles Iglesias, Valnei Smarçaro da Cunha

Resumo: In recent years the need for the quality control, reliability and traceability of analytical results has been strongly emphasised. The increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has led the scientific community to investigate the adverse effects on humanity and nature, including the greenhouse effect, which contributes to global warming and can lead to climate change, besides the risks associated with human health. Due to the importance of metrological issues in the current scenario, the Laboratory of Gas Analysis (Lanag) of the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro), is involved in improving measurement capabilities to provide confidence level regarding greenhouse gases standards by developing the methodology of preparation of such primary standard gas mixtures through gravimetry. This paper describes the development of certified reference materials of carbon dioxide in atmospheric synthetic air that are used to monitor its concentration in the atmosphere. Considering the contributions from gravimetry preparation and its verification analysis by cavity ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS) the relative expanded uncertainty of the standard mixture of carbon dioxide was lower than 0.5 % for the range studied from 370 to 550 μmol/mol, which is comparable to the average of 0.25% relative uncertainties presented on international standards mixtures. 

12 h 20 min – 12 h 40 min

[303386] Quantitative analysis of biodiesel in diesel fuel by UV-Vis spectroscopy

Autores: Simone de Britto, Erlon Henrique Martins Ferreira, Oleksii Kuznetsov

Resumo: A preliminary methodology for determination of biodiesel content in commercial diesel fuel by ultraviolet and visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis) was developed seeking its potential application in optical sensors for monitoring the diesel/biodiesel mixtures in heavy vehicles. Absorbance of visible light between 400 nm and 500 nm showed a linear response of the optical signal as a function of the biodiesel content for the investigated volume concentration range of biodiesel varying from 0 % to 20 %. Multivariate analysis was used to validate the construction of different calibration curves, differentiated by feedstocks origins for the starting pure biodiesel and diesel components, and determine the optimal wavenumber to perform ordinary linear regression. A narrow range of the visible spectrum around 450 nm provided the best coefficient of correlation for all calibration curves. The effects of the supplier of base biodiesel and diesel components used to make the calibration curves on the predictions of the singlevariate model was also assessed.

12 h 40 min – 14 h

Intervalo almoço

14 h – 14 h 20 min

[303642] Validação de método de CLAE-EM/EM para determinação de lactose em baixas concentrações em leite em pó a ser aplicado no estudo de viabilidade de um MRC

Autores: Raissa Bosich Antunes Jambo, Rodrigo Vivarelli Poggi Leal, Eliane Cristina Pires do Rego, Jhenifer Marques da Silva, Vanderléa de Souza

Resumo: Um método confiável e sensível de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada à espectrometria de massas em série (CLAE-EM/EM) foi desenvolvido e validado para determinação de lactose em amostras comerciais de leite em pó zero lactose, utilizando a sacarose como padrão interno. O procedimento de preparo das amostras envolveu somente a diluição das amostras de leite em pó no solvente acetonitrila/formiato de amônio (70:30, v/v), utilizando agitação em vórtex para homogeneização e centrifuga para separação. No estudo de seletividade, foi verificado o efeito de matriz para o método, através do teste t para inclinação das curvas, sendo necessário a utilização de curva por adição padrão para a determinação da fração mássica de lactose. O método foi linear (r > 0,99) e homocedástico (aprovado pelo teste de Cochran), dentro da faixa de trabalho (0,1 – 0,8 µg/g). O limite de detecção foi de 130 µg/g e o limite de quantificação foi de 390 µg/g para a amostra em sua forma original, atendendo a legislação brasileira que estabelece o limite permitido de lactose em produtos classificados como isento de lactose. A recuperação variou na faixa entre 97 % e 100 % e a repetibilidade (RSD ≤ 3,7%) foram adequadas para todos os dias de estudo. A precisão intermediária também foi satisfatória, comprovada pelo teste de variância. Os dados de LQ, recuperação e precisão confirmam a aplicabilidade do método proposto para a quantificação da lactose residual.

14 h 20 min – 14 h 40 min

[305909] Comparison of RT-qPCR and RT-ddPCR methodologies for the detection of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) RNA

Autores: Ariane de Mesquita Rodrigues, Aurea Valadares Folgueras Flatschart, Roberto Becht Flatschart, Mayane Ribeiro de Faria Henrique, José Lafaiete Palles Ramos Júnior

Resumo: The Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus is responsible for causing infection of great importance in cattle, being highly disseminated in the world and endemic in Brazil. This virus is also described as the main contaminating virus of Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), a supplement routinely used in cell cultures and which can become a source of contamination for these cells. Qualitative methods for detecting BVDV RNA can be used both for the diagnosis of the disease in animals and to detect the infection of cultures. In this study, we compared the results of a commercial diagnostic method by Real Time RT-PCR (RT-qPCR) to the RT-Droplet Digital PCR (RT-ddPCR) method using the same set of probe and primers. Serial dilutions of the BVDV RNA standard from the commercial kit and also the BVDV RNA produced in MDBK cells were evaluated by both methods. RT-qPCR showed 100% sensitivity and 80% to 83% specificity compared to the RT-ddPCR method. Points of disagreement between the two techniques arose at low RNA concentrations.

14 h 40 min – 15 h 

[305959] Produção de Materiais de Referência Certificados para análises de resíduos em alimentos: soluções de calibração de agrotóxicos 

Autores: Eliane Cristina Pires do Rego, Rodrigo Vivarelli Poggi Leal, Jane Luiza Nogueira Fernandes, Wagner Wollinger, Bruno Carius Garrido, Janaína Marques Rodrigues

Resumo: A segurança alimentar é uma grande preocupação mundial e o monitoramento da contaminação de alimentos e rações por resíduos de agrotóxicos é implantando por diversos países, sendo um desafio para a metrologia química e garantia de qualidade. Para garantir a rastreabilidade metrológica nas análises de resíduos de agrotóxicos, devem ser usados Materiais de Referência Certificados (MRCs) de soluções de calibração, que nem sempre estão disponíveis. O uso de soluções certificadas de agrotóxicos traz confiabilidade e comparabilidade para os resultados analíticos. O Inmetro produziu gravimetricamente um lote de lambda-cialotrina em acetronitrila (1267 ± 29 µg.g-1, k=2) e um lote de carbofurano em acetonitrila (1298 ± 32 µg.g-1, k=2) e realizou estudos de caracterização, homogeneidade e estabilidade, disponibilizando os dois primeiros MRCs de agrotóxicos em solução produzidos no Brasil.

15 h – 15 h 20 min

[306138] Development of Certified Reference Material of methamphetamine hydrochloride

Autores: Silvia Regina Pinheiro Lopes, Wagner Wollinger, Eliane Cristina Pires do Rego, Bruno Carius Garrido

Resumo: This work aimed to present the production of certified reference material (CRM) of methamphetamine hydrochloride, as an important tool to ensure the quality of forensic results. Methamphetamine is a synthetic drug derived from amphetamine, which potentially stimulates the central nervous system, and its prolonged use can cause excessive anxiety, euphoria, bipolar disorder, psychosis, among other health damages. To produce this batch of CRM, homogeneity and transport stability studies were carried out by HPLC-PDA using the results of chromatographic area corrected by the mass fraction of the sample in the analyzed solution. Evaluation of stability under storage conditions and characterization of the material were performed by 1H qNMR, a primary measurement procedure. The CRM showed neither considerable heterogeneity nor tendency to instability under transport conditions (temperature of 50 ºC up to 21 days) and storage conditions (20-25 °C). The certified purity value of methamphetamine hydrochloride was (999 ± 12) mg/g, equivalent to a mass fraction of (99.9 ± 1.2) g/100g (k = 2).

15 h 20 min – 15 h 40 min

[306357] Ensaios de proficiência como ferramenta para garantia da qualidade de medições de propriedades de nanopartículas 

Autores: Vania Silva de Oliveira, Sandra Marcela Landi, Thiago de Olivera Araujo

Resumo: Medições em níveis nanométricos vêm ganhando importância em função do avanço do setor nanotecnológico. Áreas importantes como a de fármacos, cosméticos, meio ambiente, materiais, química, demandam por técnicas de medição capazes de fornecer resultados de medidas dimensionais com a precisão e exatidão requeridas por estes setores. Assim, a comparação de resultados com uma referência externa, através de programas de ensaios de proficiência, permite que laboratórios demonstrem suas competências e capacidade metrológica para o atendimento das demandas de produção, pesquisa em nanotecnologia e exigências normativas. A realização de um ensaio de proficiência para o setor de nanotecnologia visa, sobretudo, contribuir para a disseminação de métodos padronizados de medição, uma vez que existem poucos métodos disponíveis nessa área, para a garantia da qualidade e da consistência dos resultados, entre outros.

15 h 40 min – 16 h


16 h – 16 h 20 min

[306913] Preliminary results of ultrasonic output at different applied contact forces to the transducer 

Autores: Alex Justen Teixeira, Ericles William Jesus Santos, Tiago Costa Dourado, Sandro Aureliano Miqueleti, Rodrigo Pereira Barreto Costa-Félix

Resumo: Ultrasound is a powerful tool for medical and industrial applications. However, with the new opportunities of Industry 4.0, it is natural that measurement protocols become increasingly robust. In contact ultrasound measurements, no studies were identified that systematically evaluated the effect of the transducer contact force on the ultrasonic properties. Therefore, this work aims to study the state of the art of this problem and present a measurement protocol in which it is planned to evaluate the ultrasonic behaviour under different contact forces experimentally. The quantities of interest will be the ultrasonic velocity and the relative amplitude of the propagation signal. Three carbon steel samples were selected for the evaluation planned in this preliminary study. This material was chosen mainly because of its low roughness, which should mean greater control over variations in said properties. For these measurements, the pulse-echo method, with a 5 MHz central frequency transducer, was used to evaluate the amplitudes of the three first reflections and the longitudinal velocity measured from the transit times of the amplitude peaks of the referred reflections. The results of this study will indicate that the increase in the contact force improves the coupling conditions, increasing the amplitude of the ultrasonic signal available to the system. Regarding propagation time, no changes in propagation speed were identified.

16 h 20 min – 16 h 40 min

[306915]  Metrological approach for Poisson modulus measurement of aluminium samples from longitudinal and transverse ultrasonic velocities

Autores: Ericles William Jesus dos Santos, Mylena Kathleen Mosqueira de Assis, Alex Justen Teixeira, Tiago Costa Dourado, Sandro Aureliano Miqueleti, Rodrigo Pereira Barretto Costa-Félix

Resumo: Destructive tests are widely used in the industry to determine the mechanical properties of materials. However, usually, they are time-consuming, expensive, and can cause damage to the materials. In this context, nondestructive ultrasound tests emerge as a viable alternative to determine mechanical properties without harming the material. The main objective of this study was to determine the Poisson coefficient of aluminium samples using nondestructive ultrasound testing. Additionally, a metrological approach was implemented to assess the quantities, and their respective measurement uncertainty was presented, showing a high confidence level in the results. The study also highlighted the economic viability of nondestructive ultrasound testing, as it does not cause damage to the materials and allows for the evaluation of multiple mechanical properties in a single test, saving time and resources. Furthermore, the test contributes to quality control in the manufacturing and service of materials by detecting flaws and variations in their mechanical properties. In this work, Poisson modulus was determined as 0.3488 and associated with a measurement uncertainty of 0.0133. The results demonstrated that the Poisson modulus determined in this work, following resources ultrasound test, was consistent with literature data and technical standards. Therefore, it is reinforced that nondestructive ultrasound testing is reliable, safe, and efficient in characterising the Poisson modulus, providing compliance and safety in using materials.

16 h 40 min – 17 h 

[305898] Metrological evaluation of ultrasonic velocity in oils for commercial phantom development 

Autores: Mylena Kathleen Mosqueira de Assis, Rodrigo Pereira Barretto da Costa Félix

Resumo: This study focuses on the metrological evaluation of ultrasonic velocity in materials to develop Tissue Mimicking Materials (TMM). TMMs are essential for assessing ultrasound equipment performance, safety, technical assessment, and studying the biological effects of ultrasound. Agar-based TMMs are commonly used but have limited durability, necessitating the development of commercially viable alternatives. Oil-based TMMs, such as mineral and lubricating, show promise due to their stability and favourable characteristics. The study aims to characterize the ultrasonic properties of oil-based materials, aiming to produce a stable TMM suitable for the transportation and evaluation of ultrasound diagnostic equipment. The results for each material were as follows: ethylene glycol (1727.0 + 4.6) m s-1, mineral oil (1397.0 + 5.7) m s-1, and lubricating oil (1472.0 + 4.7) m s-1. Thus, mineral oil and lubricating oil are the most suitable materials.

17 h – 17 h 20 min

[306923] Estimation of the dynamic modulus of elasticity of concrete using contact ultrasonic and impulse excitation methods 

Autores: Aline Marçal da Rocha, Ericles William Jesus Santos, Alex Justen Teixeira, Tiago Costa Dourado, Sandro Aureliano Miqueleti, Robson Luis Gaiofatto, Rodrigo Pereira Barretto Costa-Félix

Resumo:  It is extremely important to know the mechanical resistance to compression of concrete, precisely because it is related to the safety, quality, and durability of structures. However, when designers find themselves in a modeling stage of a structure, knowledge of the modulus of elasticity is essential. In practical terms, it is possible to estimate this property based on pre-established normative values. This practice, although avoiding costly experimental measurements, can lead to oversizing. For this research, this property was obtained and evaluated based on contact ultrasound tests and compared with the results obtained with the excitation method using the Sonelastic® system. To obtain the dynamic modulus of elasticity, the ultrasonic wave propagation test was used for concrete at 14 and 28 days with compressive strength selected to 20 MPa, 30 MPa, 40 MPa, and 50 MPa. All four mixes were made with the addition of a super plasticizer additive, which obtained the lowest water/cement ratio and dosages according to ABNT NBR 6118:2014 Concreto Armado – Procedimento. A set of 84 samples of cylindrical concrete specimens 100mm in diameter and 20mm in height were cast. The measurements allowed establishing comparisons among themselves between the selected acoustic methods for estimating the dynamic modulus of elasticity, as well as comparing with results of static modulus of elasticity established in ABNT NBR 6118:2014.

17 h 20 min – 17 h 40 min

[303768] Metrological reliability in flow computers using smart meters: test proposal 

Autores: Rodrigo Ornelas de Almeida, Edisio Alves de Aguiar Junior, Rodrigo P.B. Costa-Felix

Resumo: This article presents the result of a set of tests performed on a flow computer in conjunction with digital signals. These tests are part of a proposal for new evaluation methods for this instrument when connected to smart meters that make use of digital communication, as opposed to existing evaluation methods that focus exclusively on analog communication. The uncertainty of the old and new methods is calculated and presented, as well as a comparison of the complexity of the test platform necessary for its execution.

17 h 40 min – 18 h 

[296716] Analysis of the calibration history of the standards of a pluviometry laboratory 

Autores: Márcio Antonio Aparecido Santana, Luiz Felipe Miranda Ferreira

Resumo: The critical analysis of the calibration history of the working standards of a laboratory is an important tool to verify or meet the metrological requirements, evaluate the technical characteristics of the instruments over time and guarantee the calibration results. In this article, the history over more than 10 years is presented through tables and control graphs for 8 working standards of a pluviometry laboratory of a Research Institute. With the results of the analysis, it is possible to evaluate if the standards are adequate for the application, i.e., for the calibration of rain gauges by the gravimetric method.

(Apresentações Orais)


11 h – 11 h 20 min

[305426] Multicriteria conceptual framework for maturity assessment of testing and calibration laboratories based on the ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 standard

Autores: Maria Fatima Ludovico de Almeida, David Batista Correa

Resumo: This paper proposes a multicriteria conceptual framework for assessing the maturity of testing and calibration laboratories based on the structure of the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard. The methodology consisted of the following steps: (i) conducting a literature review and documentary analysis on the central research theme; (ii) defining the analytical structure aligned with the requirements for the competence, impartiality, and consistent operation of testing and calibration laboratories; (iii) developing a multicriteria conceptual framework, combining two decision-making methods; (iv) applying the proposed framework with senior managers from one of the Brazilian Army Evaluation Center (CAEx)’s Laboratories to determine its maturity level concerning each requirement of the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard; and (v) adopting the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method to identify critical issues and elaborate an action plan to prepare the Laboratory for holding accreditation. The main outcome of this research is an innovative conceptual framework for assessing the maturity of testing and calibration laboratories, representing a substantial contribution to the state-of-theart compared to previous studies published from 2010 to 2023.

11 h 20 min – 11 h 40 min

[303721] Development and characterization of a system for measuring and analyzing the frequency response of transducers used in the ventilation of neonates and premature infants 

Autores: Sara Gomes Mello Santiago, Davi Giordano Valerio, João Henrique Angelo, Roberto Romano, Henrique Takachi Moriya

Resumo: Intensive care equipment in premature neonates need specific pulmonary ventilation settings, due to their unique lung compliance and resistance, so as to avoid hyperventilation with large tidal volumes (VT) that can lead to lung injury. Thus, highfrequency ventilation has emerged as a strategy for newborns and preterm infants since it uses a volume below dead space at extremely high frequencies (between 5 and 15 Hz; 300-900 cycles/min), making it possible to obtain higher mean pressures in the airway with minimal volumetric variation in the alveolus. Lung ventilators need to be tested to assess their functioning and essential performance, and in Brazil the ISO IEC 80601-212:2020 standard describes the required performance tests with parameter tables for compliance, resistance, tidal volume, respiratory rate and pressure that simulate the ventilation characteristics of a newborn baby. The analysis of the frequency response of the sensors that make up the pulmonary ventilation system is important in the design and development phase of the medical equipment industry, and for this purpose a device that generates a sinusoidal signal for the frequency range of interest in ventilation therapy for premature neonates was developed. This system has a load that simulates the resistance and compliance parameters described in the regulatory standard. The device was characterized in terms of its linearity and frequency response, in order to enable evaluation of the ventilator transducers in respiratory rates, compliance parameters and pulmonary resistances that simulate a premature neonate.

11 h 40 min – 12 h

[306375] Monitoring and evaluation of regulation on pesticide labelling and packaging leaflets in Brazil: a conceptual model and indicators  

Autores: Maria Fatima Ludovico de Almeida, Jessica Peres Medeiros

Resumo: Pesticide labelling and packaging leaflets are essential communication instruments between pesticide companies, health professionals, regulatory agencies, farmers, and consumers within the agri-food chain. This paper presents a conceptual model for ranking indicators to monitor and evaluate the outcomes of the current regulation on pesticide and wood preservative labelling and packaging leaflets in Brazil. The model applied to the Resolution of the Collegiate Board – RDC 296/2019, published by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) in Brazil, could effectively demonstrate its adequacy and usefulness to help the Agency to monitor and evaluate label and packaging leaflet compliance with the regulatory framework on a national scale. The main results can be summarized as follows: (i) a fuzzy multicriteria tool for ranking indicators associated with the categories of legal requirements of the RDC 296/2019; and (iii) a set of 69 indicators ranked by these categories to be subsequently selected by the Agency.

12 h – 12 h 20 min

[303704] Roadmap: arcabouço regulatório de segurança operacional aplicável ao mercado de gás natural no Brasil e a avaliação da conformidade

Autores: Marcelle Cardoso Sabino de Deus, Edisio Alves de Aguiar Junior

Resumo: Atualmente, o mercado de gás natural no Brasil tem apresentado expansão devido às perspectivas de utilização do gás do pré-sal, à venda de ativos da Petrobras e ao estímulo à entrada de novos agentes, por intermédio de programas governamentais. Simultaneamente, aumenta o desafio na indústria para manter os parâmetros de segurança das operações. Uma análise dos resultados de auditorias provenientes da agência reguladora ANP (Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis) possibilitou identificar desvios reincidentes nos sistemas de gestão de segurança operacional, por parte dos agentes regulados. Neste contexto, este artigo apresenta o mapeamento dos principais pilares do arcabouço regulatório brasileiro de segurança operacional, bem como uma proposta de guia (roadmap) para atendimento das respectivas diretrizes regulatórias. Adicionalmente, é sugerida a utilização dos mecanismos de avaliação da conformidade já existentes na Infraestrutura Nacional da Qualidade.

12 h 20 min – 12 h 40 min

[303769] Metrological reliability in flow computers using digital transducers: a literature review 

Autores: Rodrigo Ornelas de Almeida, Edisio Alves de Aguiar Junior, Rodrigo Pereira Barretto da Costa-Félix

Resumo: This article presents a bibliographic review conducted in several standards applicable to the measurement of fluids (such as oil and natural gas) in which it sought to identify criteria and test methods that could be used to assess the metrological reliability of flow computers (FC) with the use of digital transducers. The articles of these standards that fit into this category were briefly highlighted and suggestions for new forms of evaluation are made at the end.

12 h 40 min – 14 h

Intervalo almoço

14 h – 14 h 20 min

[307412] Calibração de sonômetros: uma visão geral 

Autores: Thiago Antônio Bacelar Milhomem, Eduardo Barreira Pinto

Resumo: Este artigo apresenta uma visão geral da calibração de sonômetros que consiste em gerar uma série de sinais acústico e elétricos para testar funções específicas do sonômetro e observar se a resposta do sonômetro está em conformidade com os requisitos da norma apropriada. Inicialmente, as normas aplicáveis são apresentadas. Esse é um importante tópico uma vez que os sonômetros são calibrados de acordo com a norma de projeto. Na sequência, são resumidos os testes, acústico e elétricos, conforme cada norma e são apontadas algumas potenciais componentes de incerteza de medição. Finalizando, são discutidos os procedimentos para a avaliação da conformidade aos requisitos da norma considerando a incerteza de medição e que também variam conforme a norma de projeto.

14 h 20 min – 14 h 40 min

[306305] Statistical analysis applying standard deviation in the using of ABNT NBR 16077 method for calculating the sound pressure level in the protected ear 

Autores: Murilo Alves do Amaral

Resumo:  Este artigo tem como objetivo realizar um estudo de caso de aplicação da metodologia de cálculo contida na ABNT NBR 16.077 Equipamentos de proteção individual – Protetores auditivos – Método de cálculo do nível de pressão sonora no ouvido protegido. Os protetores auditivos têm a função de fornecer proteção auditiva aos trabalhadores submetidos a níveis de pressão sonora que podem causar danos ao ouvido humano. A legislação trabalhista prevê limites auditivos que não podem ser ultrapassados durante a jornada de trabalho, sem risco de danos à saúde do trabalhador. Os protetores auditivos colocados à venda são fornecidos com C.A. (Certificados de Aprovação), que contêm tabelas com níveis de atenuação em decibéis para cada frequência sonora destinada à proteção do ouvido. O estudo de caso em questão analisa tipos de protetores auditivos escolhidos aleatoriamente no mercado para verificar o grau de proteção por faixa de frequência, considerando as incertezas do método.

14 h 40 min – 15 h

[303836] Ultrasonic characterisation of soybean biodiesel produced from different molar ratios 

Autores: Pâmella de Assunção Oliveira, Raphaela de Melo Baesso, Rodrigo Pereira Barretto Costa-Félix

Resumo: The ultrasonic characterisation of soybean biodiesel produced from different alcohols and molar ratios was performed at 1 MHz. The measurement of the speed of sound of the biodiesel samples was performed using the pulse-echo technique. It was possible to observe that samples of biodiesel produced from different alcohols under the same molar ratio present a nonequivalent speed of sound. Samples produced at a molar ratio of 6:1 have the lowest speed of sound. The ultrasound could differentiate the biodiesel samples evaluated through the speed of sound parameter.

15 h – 15 h 20 min

[304912] Gasoline composition monitoring using ultrasonics 

Autores: Iris Trindade Chacon, Eving da Silva, Mylena Kathleen Assis, Rodrigo Pereira Barretto da Costa-Felix

Resumo: Monitoring the adulteration of fuels is a matter of interest as a means of protecting consumers, preventing fraud and protecting the environment. In Brazil, commercialized gasoline is a mixture of fuel with 27% anhydrous ethanol, called C gasoline. As a misleading practice, larger fractions of ethanol and organic solvents are used. Laboratory analyses are necessary to detect this irregularity, making inspection actions more difficult. Given the above, the article proposes using ultrasound to identify gasoline adulteration as an alternative method. Different samples were used: pure gasoline, gasoline with ethanol prepared for the study (gasoline C) and mixtures with kerosene. The study was based on measuring two monitoring parameters: propagation velocity and experimental attenuation. Ultrasound transducers with central frequencies 1 MHz and 5 MHz were used in the pulse-echo method. Paired comparisons (t-tests) were performed to assess whether the use of ultrasound was sensitive to changes in the medium with the addition of solvent. The experimental attenuation showed a statistical difference compared to gasoline without kerosene, proving to be a good parameter to be monitored. For the propagation speed, only the samples with 20% and 30% of kerosene and with the 1 MHz transducer proved adequate to the proposed method.

15 h 20 min – 15 h 40 min

[303631] Methods for evaluating total of oil and grease on water 

Autores: Janaina Tavares Goulart de Sá Belchior de Oliveira, Sidney Telles Belchior de Oliveira Filho, Rodrigo Pereira Barretto Costa Félix

Resumo: This paper presents the results of a scoping review of different methodologies to determine the total amount of oil and grease in wastewater. This scoping review, but a part of doctorate research, and it intends to study the principal methodologies used today and analyse how their development occurred over time. For this reason, a search from the first paper found was performed and it was possible to notice the growth of research from the seventies until nowadays. Besides that, there is a logical correlation between world public policies and this growth. The first studies began with discussions about environment in the seventies and continued through the years. Every new world conference or public policy, new regulations were adopted, and new papers written. Since 1970’s, 68,75% of research was written in the last decade, and almost 40% over the previous 2,5 years. It shows not only the relevance, but also how up-to-date this theme is.

15 h 40 min – 16 h


16 h – 18 h

Workshop Remeq-I:
“Como podemos avançar no atual cenário da Metrologia Química?

Ana Carolina Oliveira de Andrade Pinto
Taynah Lopes de Souza
Vanderlea de Souza
Aurea Valadares Folgueras Flatschart
Elaine Batista de Souza
Roberto Becht Flatschart

(Palestras e Apresentações Orais)


14 h – 14 h 40 min

CBM – Análise de Risco na Avaliação da Conformidade
Alexandre Mendes (SBM e IFRJ)
Ricardo Luís d’Ávila Villela (Inmetro)
Rodrigo Costa  Félix (Inmetro e SBM)

14 h 40 min – 15 h 

[303657] Trustworthiness of subsea assets degradation model  estimations and its influence on the reliability of risk-based  decisions 

Autores: M B Demay, A L M de Oliveira, G. Pauli, G Donatelli, P H Z Machado

Resumo: Although subsea assets in the oil and gas (O&G) industry are very robust equipment, the consequences of their failures may be catastrophic for people, environment and companies. Nevertheless, the inspection procedures comprise measurement in loco with ROVs, which involve a high resource allocation in costs and planning. For this reason, O&G industries have been pushing a massive investment in digital technologies, like digital twins, with important simulation tools to estimate and predict the behavior of a process or the conditions of an asset. Digital twins for integrity management lay on several degradation models, the most relevant ones which subsea assets undergo, such as erosion and corrosion. In this context, the decision to inspect (or not) is driven by the outcomes from these degradation models, which are always a compromise between resource allocation and the risk associated with a catastrophic failure. It is called risk based inspection (RBI). This work aims to analyze how uncertainties related to the modeling process can influence the model outcomes and hence the reliability of the decisions based on them.

15 h – 15 h 20 min

[306121] Evaluation of impact energy absorption in natural fiber composites  

Autores: Tatiana Barbosa de Andrade, Rosana Medeiros Moreira, Edilvando Pereira Eufrazio, Tatiana Vianna Francisco, Elcio Cruz de Oliveira

Resumo: In response to the increasing concerns about motorcyclists’ safety and advancements in the motorcycle industry, this study investigated the potential of natural fibers as a sustainable means to enhance helmet protection. Leveraging statistical tools such as the Shapiro-Wilk test, Chauvenet’s criterion, and the Interquartile Range, we compared the impact energy absorption of composites reinforced with natural fibers to that of expanded polyurethane (PU) prototypes. The results, assessed through confidence intervals, indicated that composites reinforced with 5 % sugarcane bagasse, 5 % and 10 % coconut, and 10 % and 15 % sisal demonstrated a notably superior impact absorption performance than pure PU. These insights emphasize the potential of natural fibers in enhancing helmet safety and suggest promising directions for future research into the ideal composite materials for motorcycle helmets a line of inquiry currently in progress.

15 h 20 min – 15 h 40 min

[306377] Análise de risco para avaliação de inspeções de retificação: Uma ferramenta quantitativa para gestão da qualidade industrial 

Autores: Ricardo Luís d’Avila Villela

Resumo: A riqueza de informação contida num resultado de medição completo, expresso pela distribuição de probabilidade do mensurando, é comumente negligenciada em inspeções de recebimento por amostragem e inspeções retificadoras. Dessa forma, a desconsideração da incerteza de medição nas inspeções impossibilita a otimização da configuração de uma inspeção segundo as perspectivas da gestão da qualidade e da produção. Este trabalho propõe o uso e ilustra a aplicação da análise de risco na avaliação da conformidade como ferramenta quantitativa para delineamento da configuração de inspeções retificadoras, considerando, conjuntamente, a incerteza de medição e outros fatores que impactam a eficácia da inspeção retificadora e a produção de itens inspecionados.

15 h 40 min – 16 h


16 h – 16 h 40 min

 Sessão de Pôster – FOYER

16 h 40 min – 17 h 

[295440] Conformity assessment applied to custody transfer in the oil and gas industry: a brief review 

Autores: Guilherme Lucarelli Orsay, Khrissy Aracélly Reis Medeiros, Elcio Cruz de Oliveira

Resumo: In the oil and gas industry, measurements must be highly reliable to avoid unnecessary conflicts in business relationships that could result in significant financial losses for the parties involved. This article highlighted the importance of using the measurement uncertainty tool for conformity assessment purposes in the oil and gas industry. Some methodological approaches and considerations within the context of conformity assessment were presented, such as the Bayesian theory of probability, global and specific risks, producer and consumer risks and the use of the guard band tool. Based on a literature review, it was observed that measurement uncertainty is widely applied in conformity assessment in various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, materials engineering, production, and quality engineering, as well as laboratory analysis. However, it was found that none of the reviewed studies proposed or used the measurement uncertainty tool to minimize the risk of false conformity assessments in the transfer of petroleum and its derivatives by producers and consumers. Therefore, it is considered that this tool can also be an excellent alternative to minimize the risks of inadequate compliance during custody transfer operations in the oil and gas industry. As a main contribution, we sought to highlight the relevance of the guard bands tool as a methodological resource in the treatment of data from oil and gas industry processes that require conformity assessment. Finally, it was concluded that the implementation of this approach can reduce risks and help in decision-making related to compliance assessments, ultimately avoiding significant losses for the parties involved.

17 h – 17 h 20 min

[303774] Blockchain network to conformity assessment bodies 

Autores: Eduardo Gonçalves Machado, Rafael Tiribás Rabiega Gomes, Eduardo Valente Alves Martins, Igor Leandro Vieira, Ewerton Longoni Madruga, Wilson de Souza Melo Junior

Resumo: We have developed a blockchain network for conformity assessment bodies. This system aims to assure the integrity of results from distributed measurement systems used by these organizations. To evaluate the functionality of the proposed blockchain solution, we conducted a case study simulating a force measurement instrument (brake tester) and the blockchain network using Hyperledger Fabric platform. The simulation results demonstrated that the method is applicable in real-world conditions and that blockchains show potential for providing robust and reliable solutions in managing and safeguarding data from distributed measurement systems used by conformity assessment bodies.

17 h 20 min – 17 h 40 min

[306909] Self-assessment model for pharmaceutical companies based on Good Manufacturing Practices for pharmaceuticals in Brazil: a multicriteria approach  

Autores: Alexandre de Souza Nunes, Maria Fatima Ludovico de Almeida, Daniel Ramos Louzada

Resumo: We have developed a blockchain network for conformity assessment bodies. This system aims to assure the integrity of results from distributed measurement systems used by these organizations. To evaluate the functionality of the proposed blockchain solution, we conducted a case study simulating a force measurement instrument (brake tester) and the blockchain network using Hyperledger Fabric platform. The simulation results demonstrated that the method is applicable in real-world conditions and that blockchains show potential for providing robust and reliable solutions in managing and safeguarding data from distributed measurement systems used by conformity assessment bodies.

17 h 40 min – 18 h 

[306100] Aspects of metrology and statement of conformity in the asset management of electric power utilities 

Autores: Marcelo Melo da Costa, Darilena Monteiro Porfírio, André Luís Costa França, Thiago Brito Pereira de Souza

Resumo: This paper presents the main concepts of Metrology and how they can impact activities related to the management of assets of an electric power utility, such as transformers and transmission lines. Examples of decision making related to predictive maintenance, which involve tests and measurements of critical parameters, are shown. The lack of observation of certain metrological concepts or requirements can seriously compromise the correct conformity assessment and decision making.

(Palestras e Apresentações Orais)


11 h 40 min – 12 h 40 min

 Codex Alimentarius
Ligia Lindner Schreiner (Anvisa)

12 h 40 min – 14 h

Intervalo almoço

14 h – 14 h 30 min

O laboratório do futuro – uma perspetiva da EUROLAB
Álvaro Silva Ribeiro

14 h 30 min – 15 h

Modernização do Controle Metrológico Legal
Marcelo Morais

15 h – 15 h 40 min

Mesa Redonda – Tema:  Supervisão Metrológica – Novas ferramenta

Supervisão em Termômetros Clínicos

Carlos Galhardo (Disme)


Aprovação de Modelo como ferramenta para a supervisão

Edisio Aguiar (Dimel/Dgtec)


Papel da RBMLQ-I

Arthur Galdino (Ipmeq-PB/Anodi)


Metrologia Legal nas compras públicas

Alexandre Sorato (Imetro-SC)


15 h 40 min – 16 h


16 h – 16 h 20 min

[305077] Medidores da capacidade volumétrica de veículos-tanque  

Autores: Silvio Duarte Dias, Alexandre Nixon Raulino Soratto da Silva, Iris Trindade Chacon

Resumo: O medidor de vazão é o principal responsável pela confiança das medições que suportam a certificação da capacidade volumétrica dos veículos-tanque no Brasil. Por meio de visitas técnicas a postos de verificação de veículos-tanque rodoviários e de entrevistas com especialistas, esta pesquisa explorou as características de três tipos de medidores de vazão: de turbina, de deslocamento positivo e eletromagnético. Os resultados sugerem que o medidor do tipo deslocamento positivo tem sido o mais adequado para este serviço. O trabalho propõe a elaboração de um projeto básico conceitual para orientar a implantação ou reforma de postos de verificação de veículos-tanque no Brasil.

16 h 20 min – 16 h 40 min

[304580] Study of the feasibility of measuring vehicular natural gas (CNG) in Brazil by Equivalent Liter of Gasoline (ELG) or Equivalent Liter of Ethanol (ELE) 

Autores: Regina Cássia Mattos de Paula, Edísio Alves de Aguiar Júnior, Janaína Tavares Goulart de Sá Belchior de Oliveira

Resumo: The natural gas used in Brazil is formed by a chain of hydrocarbons, mainly methane, in addition to gases in smaller proportions, such as ethane, propane, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. It is a fossil fuel discovered in porous rocks derived from the organic matter of prehistoric animals and plants. The US calls natural gas shale gas. Its origin is from fossil residues identified in rocks with reduced porosity and permeability. The shale gas extraction method differs from the NG obtained in Brazil. CNG is measured in Brazil in volume (m3) and the US in Gallons of Gasoline Equivalent (GEG). The study points out measurement inconsistencies of CNG per volume (m3) and mathematics relates the amount paid in Reais for 1 m3 of CNG, in mass (kg), Gasoline Liter Equivalent (GLE), and Ethanol Liter Equivalent (ELE). Studies present an unreliable CNG measure in GLE or ELE and volume (m3) and recommend measuring CNG in mass (kg), in Brazil.

16 h 40 min – 17 h 

[303815] Proposal for the use of checksum as an electronic sealing resource in legal metrology 

Autores: Edisio Alves de Aguiar Junior, Davi Barbosa Rezende

Resumo: Sealing is a key aspect in the scope of legal metrology, strongly associated with verification activities. With the increasing number of instruments whose operation is based on software, conventional techniques, generally based on physical and mechanical seals, can be improved with the use of software techniques. The study presents a proposal based on the use of checksum as an electronic sealing tool. Suggestions are presented for inserting the checksum in type approval procedures and the conditions for its use as a sealing tool, in support of verification activities.

17 h – 17 h 20 min

[303756] Dilemmas in the clinical investigation of clinical electrical thermometers in relation to the measurement method 

Autores: Célio Henrique de Mattos Fraga, Rodrigo Freitas Guilherme, Rafael Feldmann Farias, Flávio Willians Sant’Ana

Resumo: The clinical electrical thermometer (CET) is a measuring instrument in the health area, with metrological technical regulation approved by Inmetro Ordinance No. 325 of July 28, 2021 (MTR No. 325/21). According to this regulation, there are two types of CET’s, depending on the algorithm of the manufactured model: non-predicting (thermal equilibrium) and predicting (calculating), with three possible application sites on the body: axilla, mouth (sublingual) and rectum. The type approval applicants of almost all models submitted for type evaluation were declared non-predicting. Still, while evaluating some of these models, the clinical tests submitted corresponded with the predictive method. Additionally, the aggravating factor is that the results of these clinical tests did not comply with the regulation, as the indication varied by more than 0.2°C between the moment of the alarms and after 5 minutes in most measurements.

Nonetheless, since are analyzed the clinical tests in a preliminary phase, allowing for document correction, the applicants submitted other clinical tests in the required format for non-predicting. For this measuring method, variations in CET indication are not required after finishing measurement alarms by the regulation, assuming they do not occur due to the thermometer being non-predicting. Consequently, the evaluation process could proceed normally, even with technical doubts about the actual measurement method and the understanding that the operation was inconsistent with the declared method. For a better understanding, we reviewed the literature on the physics of thermometers and human body physiology, a documentary analysis of previously approved models, and the requirements of MTR No. 325/21 to seek possible explanations for these occurrences. As a result, the need for improvements in this regulation was identified, and some changes in the type of evaluation procedures have already been implemented.

17 h 20 min – 17 h 40 min

[303400] Influence of measurement uncertainty of associated quantities on the uncertainty of liquefied petroleum gas mass in a dynamic measurement system 

Autores: Gustavo Pessanha Alvim, Elcio Cruz de Olveira

Resumo:  Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a versatile and widely used fuel that is crucial in various sectors. Its significance as a combustible gas stem from its high energy content and ease of storage and transportation. Its lower environmental impact than other fossil fuels further enhance its appeal as a cleaner energy alternative. This fuel finds extensive applications in industries, commercial establishments, and agricultural activities, which sheds light on its measurement systems. Based on the calculation algorithms for LPG mass, which is the trading unit of the product, and the regulatory ordinance, this study aimed to evaluate the critical factors that impact the calculation of the mass measurement in a dynamic measuring system. This work introduces the measurement function for mass calculation and the associated uncertainty calculation. Furthermore, it presents the concept and functioning of a measuring system, along with the critical factors and associated quantities, which significantly impact the calculation of the expanded uncertainty of LPG mass: correction factors for the effects of pressure, density, and temperature. Approximately, these factors have, respectively, the following weights in the total uncertainty value, based on the arithmetic average of the conducted experiments: 45 %, 43 % and 9 %. The study concludes that the prescribed uncertainty limits established by the Brazilian Institute of Metrology, Quality, and Technology regulations for secondary (or associated) quantities have limited practical significance. It occurs because all indications suggest that the uncertainty values exceeding the prescribed limit for individual uncertainty can still meet the maximum uncertainty of the output variable – LPG mass – which is the crucial aspect. Lastly, a future study to optimize individual acceptance criteria calibration is proposed.

17 h 40 min – 18 h 

[296894]  A Análise da Efetividade da Verificação Subsequente de Taxímetros

Autores: Hercílio de Oliveira Bez, Marilânia dos Santos, Rafael Dallagnoll, Alexandre Soratto

Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a efetividade das verificações metrológicas subsequentes realizadas em taxímetros no Brasil por força do Regulamento Técnico Metrológico, aprovado pela Portaria Inmetro 124, de 24 de março de 2022. A partir da análise de dados referentes ao número de taxímetros verificados comparados ao número de irregularidades identificadas nos anos de 2021 e 2022 no País, discute-se o quão efetiva é a verificação subsequente de taxímetro com o prévio agendamento. Percebe-se com o presente estudo que há necessidade de repensar e discutir a temática, pois fica evidente a inefetividade do modelo atual de verificações metrológicas subsequentes agendadas para taxímetros como forma de combater eventuais fraudes nestes instrumentos.

(Apresentações Orais)


11 h 40 min – 12 h 

[306447] Experiências do Ensino Remoto no Curso Técnico em Metrologia do IFRJ Campus Volta Redonda

Autores: Nilmara Almeida Guimaraes

Resumo: A metrologia é a ciência das medições, todas as suas aplicações teóricas e práticas. Presente e fundamental em todos os processos produtivos, com o objetivo de padronização das medições com forte interferência no nível de controle de qualidade. A metrologia está presente em termos científico, legal e industrial. O Brasil possui alta demanda para formação de técnico em metrologia. Durante a pandemia, em 2021, o IFRJ abriu uma turma nacional do curso técnico em metrologia no ensino remoto. A quantidade de interessados pelo curso, bem como o perfil dos formandos ensejou a necessidade de atender este público carente de formação em todo o país. Desta forma, o curso está sendo reestruturado para melhoria da sua matriz e oferta no formato de educação à distância com atividades práticas presenciais.

12 h – 12 h 20 min

[303729] Concepts, Challenges and Opportunities of Risk Management in Logistic and Port Environment

Autores: Mila Rosendahl Avelino, Rodrigo Gomes Medeiros

Resumo:  Risk management in companies of the port logistics sector helps achieve strategic objectives defined by implementing best market practices and service-oriented specifications. Since thisactivity is not fully explored by organizations, this project aims to explore the capabilities of effective risk management. The objective of this project is to present the critical risks which these companies are exposed to, and propose mitigation measures for each identified risk, adding value to the business. As research methods, the best practices concepts in this area are described by standards and reputable entities, as well as practical experiences in corporate governance in this specific industry. The description of critical risks is defined by possible activities th at can materialize the adverse mapped event, as well as their consequences. Mitigation measures are characterized by their capacity to reduce the impact and/or probability of risks and are validated through the results obtained after them successful implementatio. In conclusion, risk management is a set of actions and tools aimed at identifying potential risks in a company and managing them through the definition and implementation of risk responses, reducing their probability and/or impact, and supporting the company in achieving its strategic objectives. To illustrate this, examples of five critical risks identified in companies of this sector are provided and how the management of these exposed events is realized.

12 h 20 min – 12 h 40 min

[297032] The Importance of Metrological Traceability for Clinical Diagnostic

Autores: Aléxia Santana Barradas, Vinicius do Nascimento Moraes, Fábio Henrique, Jesse Rodrigues de Abreu, Ana Rosa Vieira Oliveira

Resumo: This article highlights the importance of metrological traceability in clinical diagnoses, highlighting its benefits and impacts on the accuracy of results. Fundamental concepts of metrological traceability will be addressed, as well as its practical application in the health area. Metrological traceability, which is part of the field of metrology, encompasses the ability to establish the link between the measurements performed by an instrument and a reference standard, providing confidence that the measurements are accurate and reliable. In Clinical Engineering, which focuses on healthcare, metrological traceability plays a key role in ensuring compliance of electromedical equipment. From a methodological perspective, this study adopts an exploratory approach, being built and developed based on bibliographic and documentary research. A detailed review of the literature was conducted, using databases such as Google Scholar, Scielo, books, monographs, scientific articles and specialized sites relevant to the topic in question. Data analysis was performed critically, following a qualitative approach.

(Apresentações Orais)


11 h 40 min – 12 h 

[306256] Electrical characterization and modeling of PVDF thin-film for application in piezoelectric energy harvesting

Autores: Laís dos Santos Gonçalves, Maria Clara Morais, Khrissy Aracélly Reis Medeiros, Carlos Roberto Hall Barbosa

Resumo:  Based on the necessity for cleaner and renewable energy and the growing global demand, energy harvesting stands out increasingly in this scenario. This technique is notable for the possibility of converting some types of energy that are generally neglected into electrical energy that can be used to power low-consumption electronic devices. In this context, piezoelectric materials demonstrate excellent applicability due to their ability to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy. Although these concepts and principles of conversion have been known for a long time, their use has increasingly grown in recent years. Thus, the present work objectively focuses on the electrical characterization of a thin-film piezoelectric sensor of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) and a computational modeling of its behavior in LTSpice® software as a preliminary step of a study aimed at the development of a piezoelectric energy harvester (PEH). Consequently, this work allows for identifying and analyzing the intrinsic needs of the project, contributing to the optimization of the PEH performance.

12 h – 12 h 20 min

[296143] Automation of Calibration of Instruments In The Excitation System of The Generating Units of Itaipu Binacional  

Autores: Ricardo Tadashi Kobayashi, Rafael de Oliveira Barreto, Ana Elizabeth Corrales Zelaya

Resumo:  This paper presents a system developed to automate voltage transducer calibrations used in the excitation system of the generating units at Itaipu Binacional. To improve efficiency and ease of operation, our system deploys multiplexed measurements to reduce the calibration runtime and is controlled by an application designed with Labview. After development, we validated the system through comparisons between manual and automated calibrations, performed with the assistance of the normalized error metric. Finally, the automatic calibration system brought greater standardization of procedures and up to a 65,7% reduction in the time spent on calibrations.

12 h 20 min – 12 h 40 min

[303021] The key role of metrology laboratories in shaping the future  

Autores: João Alves e Sousa, Álvaro Silva Ribeiro, Carlos Pires, Luís Ribeiro

Resumo: Europe aims to maintain its leading role as a sustainable, fair, and competitive advanced economy embracing a swift and inclusive transition towards environmentally sustainable lifestyles and economies. A Green and Digital transition is being envisaged to keep the planet liveable and seize economic opportunities, where digital technologies will play a crucial role in achieving climate neutrality and reducing pollution, by measuring and controlling inputs with increased automation. Also, increased connectivity and integration provided by the internet of things, smart systems and smart cities, requires strengthen the flexibility of systems and networks, and new products, services and businesses. Thus, the need to have measurement in the centre of the process of green and digital transition is obvious, to ensure safety and quality for products traceability, requiring standards and conformity assessment, enhancing the pillars of the quality infrastructure where metrology, testing and inspection laboratories are key. In Metrology, data acquisition and treatment will remain as core activities to ensure the quality and validity of results, but larger volumes of data have a potential that is not available using common software tools, so that Artificial Intelligence tools and calibration through machine-readable harmonized digital formats are critical to cope with the new metrology ecosystem.

12 h 40 min – 14 h


14 h – 14 h 20 min

[297351] Attitude toward online privacy of Brazilian users with a focus on the Metrology community  

Autores: Vinicius Coutinho de Oliveira

Resumo: As Industry 4.0 comes into reality, Metrology must evolve with it. The digital transformation in Metrology implies data transport instead of measuring instrument transport. Hence, massive amounts of data will be exchanged between calibration laboratories and client facilities, where the measuring devices are placed. Since sharing data poses risks, controls are necessary to protect information assets. Nevertheless, the human element is often the weakest link in the Information Security chain and deserves attention. This study evaluates the attitude toward privacy of Brazilian internet users with a focus on the Metrology community by surveying 324 respondents to assess their attitudes, worries, and perception of privacy, the use of privacy tools, and the susceptibility to providing data through a simple social experiment. Data analyses consisted of descriptive statistics and hypotheses testing. Results do not indicate differences between the Metrology and the general public groups. Users are aware of online threats, but this awareness needs to translate into actions to increase privacy. Such actions, in turn, depend on user training. This paper points out the privacy tools less used – whose adoption should be encouraged – and brings recommendations for the digital transformation in Metrology to take place in compliance with basic data protection requirements.

14 h 20 min – 14 h 40 min

[303658] Evaluating TERS as a Metrological Tool for the  Determination of the Number of Graphene Layers at  Nanoscale  

Autores: Juan David Caicedo, Tales F.S. Dias, Thiago L. Vasconcelos, Braulio S. Archanjo

Resumo: This paper presents a comparative analysis of adjacent single and bilayer graphene samples using micro-Raman spectroscopy and tip enhancement Raman spectroscopy (TERS) techniques. The measurements were carried out close to the diffraction limit, enabling a highly accurate characterization of the graphene layers by TERS and micro-Raman Spectroscopy. Hence, TERS experiments yield significantly improved reliability, ensuring more accurate results since it reduced the region where the number of layers are unknown from around 500 nm for micro-Raman, with 1.4 N.A. objective, to around 60 nm for TERS.

14 h 40 min – 15 h 

[306910] Método Rasch para melhoria de sistemas de medição de desempenho em educação profissional  

Autores: Rodrigo Santos Pereira, Elisabeth Costa Monteiro

Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma estratégia de medição para identificação dos elementos críticos de um sistema de medição de ‘desempenho da gratuidade’ utilizado por instituições de educação profissional, conforme exigências regulamentadas pelo Ministério da Educação. Para explorar os aspectos críticos do sistema de medição, que são fontes relevantes de incerteza, aplicou-se o modelo de medição de Rasch, uma abordagem probabilística utilizada no campo da psicometria, de testes educacionais e de avaliação de habilidades. Uma amostra de resultados gerados pelo instrumento de medição foi adaptada para aplicação do método Rasch para um estudo preliminar considerando três cursos de uma instituição de educação profissional do SENAI do Rio de Janeiro. A análise dos resultados apontou os elementos críticos do instrumento, associados aos seus níveis de severidade, permitindo orientar as ações prioritárias a serem implementadas para adequação do sistema de medição. As melhorias no processo de medição, guiadas pelos resultados do estudo, abordam elementos que impactam os respondentes em relação às complexidades associadas a cada curso ou item, contribuindo para a prevenção de riscos de inadequações nos resultados da medição de desempenho da instituição, com consequências financeiras relevantes.

15 h – 15 h 20 min

[303786] NANO_MET: A Nanometrology Simulation Application For Teaching  

Autores: Idrissa Deme, Mirkos Ortiz Martins, Mariana Zancan Tonel

Resumo: This work presents an educational web application about dimensions and properties related to nanomaterials. The application brings information through a simulated experience with the presentation of nanomaterials images in 2D, 1D and 0D formats. Comparisons between objects of different sizes are also made, allowing to approach the basic notions of metrology, such as magnitudes and scales. As an educational resource, it helps in learning and discovering the properties and applications of nanomaterials related to the change of scale and its consequences in an interactive way. The scope was limited to carbon nanomaterials in order to meet the objectives more efficiently. The validation was done using the inverted classroom model with a post-high school technical course class. The validation process showed that the application, besides serving as an educational resource for high school classes, can be extended to several classes or even to the general public, and is also suitable for learning methodologies that incorporate new technologies.

15 h 20 min – 15 h 40 min

[305276] Assessment of innovation management systems in established innovative companies: a conceptual model based on ISO 56002:2019 standard 

Autores: Maria Fatima Ludovico de Almeida, Felippe Vicencio Gomes

Resumo:  This paper presents an assessment model designed to help companies achieve excellence in innovation management. The primary goal is to evaluate their level of maturity concerning the ISO 56002:2019 standard clauses and items. An empirical study was conducted at Light SESA, a Brazilian electric power sector company, to demonstrate the model’s applicability. The methodology comprises the following steps: (i) conducting a thorough literature review and documentary analysis on the research subjects; (ii) defining the analytical structure based on the ISO 56002:2019 framework; (iii) applying the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method to assigning weights to dimensions and factors that integrate the assessment structure; (iv) creating, pretesting a questionnaire to be applied to senior leaders and RD&I project managers of a given company to evaluate its level of maturity concerning the ISO 56002:2019 standard clauses and items; (v) using the fuzzy logic to compute the collective judgements, avoiding biased decisions and assessment results; (vi) employing the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method to identify priority areas for improving the company’s innovation management system. The main result of this work is a robust model for assessing the maturity of innovation management systems of innovative companies that seek to improve their innovation capacity and performance.


16 h - 16 h 40 min




A Case Study on Post-Market Safety Verification of Electromedical Equipment: Evaluating ABNT NBR IEC 62353 Standard Testing in Real-World and Lab Settings

Autores: Gilberto Balby Araujo Filho, Edison Silva Filho, Miguel Rosa Nunes, Diego Antonio Oliveira Rosa, Sara Gomes Mello Santiago, Gustavo Yeh Fuzinato, Paulo Malusa Zanuzzio, Henrique Takachi Moriya, Felipe Fava de Lima


A importância da metrologia para economia circular

Autores: Jullyana da Silva Henrique, Edísio Alves de Aguiar Júnior


A Review of a Frequency Comb at National Observatory

Autores: Victor Franco Mesquita Gallo, Ricardo José de Carvalho


An overview of key methodologies employed in continuous quality improvement: applicability and trends

Autores: Samira Silva Lopes, Daniel Ramos Louzada, Vanderléa de Souza


Analysis of Uncertainty in the Detection of Ca, Zn, and P Elements in Lubricants Using the ICP-OES Methodology

Autores: Gabriel Cataldo de Morais, Leonardo Schaidhauer Duarte, Sidnei Valente de Paiva, Thiago Ferreira Veiga


Avaliação de um sistema alternativo de medição do nível de pressão sonora em câmara reverberante para a calibração de fontes sonoras de referência

Autores: Daniel Ferreira de Panta Pazos


Certification of a Reference Material (CRM) of Selenium enriched yeast

Autores: Márcia Silva da Rocha, Lilian da Silva, Jefferson Rodrigues de Souza, Lucas Junqueira de Carvalho, Rodrigo Vivarelli Poggi Leal, Thiago de Oliveira Araujo, Marcelo Dominguez de  Almeida, Rodrigo Caciano de Sena, Janaína Marques Rodrigues Caixeiro


Chemical composition of some vegetables

Autores: João Cristiano Ulrich, Eliana Bistriche Giuntini, Kristy Soraya Coelho, Marycel Elena Barbosa Cotrim


Controle Metrológico em Pescados Congelados em Geral – Série Temporal de Vigilância de Mercado em Mato Grosso do Sul

Autores: Eder Luiz de Oliveira Martins, Alex Baléro Lessa


Democracy Measurement and Metrology

Autores: Clara Monteiro Vieira, Elisabeth Costa Monteiro


Determinação de NO3 e N-NO3 com utilização de metodologia alternativa: um estudo para análise de águas e efluentes industriais

Autores: Josiane Araujo Martins Brilhante, Rosiene Rodrigues Pires Meneghetti


Determination of contaminants in samples of organic and inorganic raw materials and mineral mixture: collaborative study 

Autores: Gilberto Batista de Souza, Daniela de Assis Bócoli, Carla Carraro, Ana Rita de Araujo Nogueira


Framework para aumento da confiança nas medidas e da segurança de produtos nas cidades inteligentes

Autores: A L M de Oliveira, E Margotti, M B Demay, A Soratto, E A S de Oliveira


Implementing OM-BR Digital Certificates in Smart Meters

Autores: Flavia Paiva Agostini, Rodolfo Saboia Souza, Carlos Eduardo Galhardo


Legal control of moisture meter for cereal, grains and oilseeds in Brazil

Autores: Bruno Amado Rodrigues Filho, Rafael Feldmann Farias, Fábio Nakashima, Luiz Yassuhiro Kanzaki


Leveraging WebAssembly for Enhanced Performance in Uncertainty Calculation of Monte Carlo Simulation on Web Browsers

Autores: Artur Augusto Martins, Anderson Poiani Lopes Mendes, Ednaldo Cruz


Methods improvements for determining the composition of biomethane

Autores: Isabela de M. M. Alves, Vanderléa de Souza, Cristiane R. Augusto C. Iglesias, Viviane F. Mello, Claudia C. Ribeiro, Andreia L. Fioravante


METROBI – Estudo de caso do uso da metodologia CRISP-DM na inteligência de negócios de prestador de serviços metrológicos

Autores: C B Amorim, E Margotti, A L M de Oliveira, M B Demay


Participation of Inmetro in the Regional Comparison of Natural Gas Measurement within the Inter-American Metrology System

Autores: Claudia Cipriano Ribeiro, Andreia Lima Fioravante, Viviane Fernandes Mello, Cristiane Rodrigues Augusto, Valnei Smarçaro Cunha


Pequenos erros, grandes prejuízos

Autores: Alexandre Soratto, Marcio André Oliveira Brito


Potassium calibration solution: production and certification at Inmetro 

Autores: Ana Catalina Palacios Osorio, Rodrigo Caciano de Sena, Marcelo Dominguez de Almeida


Produção e certificação de material de referência de metabólitos de nitrofuranos em músculo de frango

Autores: Fernando Gustavo Marques Violante, Nathália Oliveira Cavalcanti Zúniga, Evelyn de Freitas Guimarães, Francisco Radler de Aquino Neto


Random number generator by quantum simulator and tests of randomness 

Autores: Muriel Aparecida de Souza, Luiz Vicente Gomes Tarelho, Flávia P Agostini


Proposta para planejamento da fiscalização em metrologia legal com base em avaliação de riscos 

Autores: Railson Oliveira Motta, Roberto Lima do Amaral, Luciano Bruno Faruolo


Reflections on compensating for expanded uncertainty by decreasing the maximum permissible error in initial verifications of oil flow measurement systems

Autores: Nilton de Menezes Mattos, Edisio Alves de Aguiar Junior


Regulamentação técnica metrológica de pesagem de veículos em movimento revisada e consolidada

Autores: Luciano Bruno Faruolo, Marcelo Castilho Freitas, Marcelo Luís Figueiredo Morais


Restauração do Isolamento Elétrico de Termômetros Termoresistivos Através de Recozimento Utilizando Indução Eletromagnética

Autores: Marcus Vinicius Melo da Silva, Camila da Silva Quidorne, Ingrid dos Santos da Silva, Ana Beatriz Carvalho da Silva, Melissa Rosa Silvino Cibien, Isabely da Silva Moura, Edisio Alves de Aguiar Junior


Review of the technologies used in fiscal oil measurements in Brazil

Autores: Izabela Azevedo Andrea, Nayara de França Cavalcanti, Raíza Pereira Matias Lopes, Edísio Alves de Aguiar Junior


Study of Accuracy and Measurement Uncertainty of Asset Localization in Logistics 4.0 Using GNSS-RTK Technologies

Autores: Alex Krummenauer, Tulio Dapper e Silva, Roger Thomas Fontoura França, Vitor Camargo Nardelli


Verificación intermediaria de DCPs de facturación

Autores: Pablo Prieto, Ricardo Kobayashi, Cristiano Lamb

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