ISBN: 978-65-994975-9-9
(Apresentações Orais)
14 h – 14 h 20 min
[303420] Fifteen years of development of the Time and Frequency area in UTE Laboratory
Autores: Leonardo Trigo, Agustin Garcia, Daniel Slomovitz
Resumo: This paper presents the last developments carried out by UTE Laboratory, relative to Time and Frequency standards in the last 15 years. Therefore, the technologies were very diverse, from quartz clocks to cesium atomic clocks, which relative stabilities cover several orders of magnitude, from 10-7 Hz/Hz to 10-13 Hz/Hz. The last achievement was the incorporation in the UTC system, which demonstrates the progress in the development of the Time and Frequency Area.
14 h 20 min – 14 h 40 min
[304809] Observation of the evolution of the 25th solar cycle by measuring the ionospheric delay using the P3 method in southeastern Brazil
Autores: Fábio Kei Yamada, Luiz Vicente Gomes Tarelho, Mauro Vieira de Lima
Resumo: The ionosphere is considered the most harmful layer of the Earth’s atmosphere for the electromagnetic signals of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Ionospheric refraction generates time delay and signal fading in the electromagnetic signals, which can cause errors in the receiver. These errors can range from a few meters to total signal unavailability, depending on the ionization level of the ionosphere plasma. This ionization is mainly affected by the intensity of solar radiation and the Earth’s magnetic field. The parameter to evaluate the behaviour of the ionosphere is the Total Electron Content (TEC). Knowing the value of TEC, it is possible to predict the effects of ionospheric refraction and develop techniques to increase reliability in services that depend on GNSS. This article will present the relationship between the evolution of the number of sunspots of the 25th solar cycle and the TEC measurement made by a geodetic receiver in the city of Xerém (RJ). We applied the P3 method of time and frequency transfer to the observables of the receiver, which allowed to detect and correct up to 90 % of the ionospheric effect. The atomic clock connected to the receiver is used in the realization of the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). Periods related to the year’s seasons (summer and winter) were analysed since the beginning of the 25th solar cycle in 2019. Initially, the ionospheric delay is calculated, then the respective TEC is obtained. The TEC analysis characterizes the behaviour of the ionosphere caused by the daily, annual, summer, and winter variations in the incidence of solar radiation in southeastern Brazil. Therefore, the analysis can correlate the ionospheric fluctuation with the number of monthly sunspots, referring to the evolution of the 25th solar cycle. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to further developments of a deeper understanding of the ionosphere’s dynamics and further advancements in GNSS-related services.
14 h 40 min – 15 h
[296930] Ramsey pulse optimization for atomic fountains
Autores: Vitor Silva Tavares, Luis Vicente Gomes Tarelho, Daniel Varela Magalhães
Resumo: Atomic frequency standards realize the measurement of the atomic transition frequencybetween two well-defined quantum energy levels. This study uses the Euler-Cromer methodtonumerically analyze the atomic transition probabilities for the cesium fountain clock, basedontheRamsey method of separate fields. Consequently, this examination successfully attains an optimal compromise correlation among the oscillating field (BO), static field (BZ), and detuning (δw). Thus, this work presents a new tool for time and frequency metrology standardization.
15 h – 15 h 20 min
[296516] Enhancing Digital Calibration Certificate (DCC) Workflow: Python-based DCC Tools Development and Implementation
Autores: Gean Marcos Geronymo
Resumo: This paper presents the development of a set of open-source software tools using Python programming language for the efficient handling of Digital Calibration Certificates (DCCs), called DCC Tools. The proposed tools not only generate DCCs compliant with the XML schema proposed by Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), but also offer the capability to seamlessly embed and extract the human-readable (PDF) version of the calibration certificate into/from the DCC. By incorporating this functionality, the tools provide a comprehensive solution for managing both machine-readable and human-readable versions of calibration certificates within a unified framework. This contribution enhances the accessibility, convenience, and interoperability of DCCs, streamlining the calibration process for a wide range of applications.
15 h 20 min – 15 h 40 min
[296551] Serviço de Calibração de Nanovoltímetros no Inmetro
Autores: Rodrigo Vargas Freitas Ventura, Leonardo Victor da Silva Costa, Marcus Vinícius viegas Pinto, Vanderson Morgado Teixeira, Vitória Mayla Lemos Magalhães Félix
Resumo: Este artigo tem por finalidade apresentar as características do serviço de calibração de nanovoltímetros implementado no Laboratório de Calibração em Metrologia Elétrica do Inmetro – Lacel, que possibilitou significativa melhora no escopo de serviços do laboratório, aumentando o intervalo e reduzindo incertezas de medição. Tais características estão distribuídas entre o funcionamento da metodologia, da garantia da rastreabilidade, da apresentação das grandezas de influência e da correlação entre as medidas realizadas, bem como na visualização do software desenvolvido para a automação e processamento e demonstração dos resultados obtidos.
15 h 40 min – 16 h
16 h 40 min – 17 h
[303229] Amplificadores de transcondutância de 12 A e 100 kHz
Autores: Gregory A. Kyriazis, Vanderson M. Teixeira
Resumo: Três amplificadores de transcondutância para calibrações de instrumentos de medição de corrente elétrica foram construídos recentemente no Inmetro. Os amplificadores podem converter um sinal de tensão de até 4 V eficazes aplicado em sua entrada em uma corrente estável referenciada ao terra de até 12 A eficazes em uma faixa de frequência de C.C. a 100 kHz (com uma frequência utilizável que se estende a 1 MHz). Os amplificadores têm uma tensão de conformidade máxima de ±10 V. A corrente de saída tem magnitude e fase estáveis, o que permite que os amplificadores forneçam a corrente da fonte de potência fantasma de sistemas precisos de calibração de potência elétrica. O circuito é baseado em um projeto concebido pelo NIST na década de 1990, no qual conversores de tensão-corrente bipolares precisos são colocados em paralelo. Os três amplificadores foram construídos no Inmetro como parte de um projeto sul-americano para desenvolver um sistema de referência de medição de potência elétrica em frequências de até 100 kHz nos institutos nacionais de metrologia (e laboratórios designados) de três países do Cone Sul, a saber: Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai.
17 h – 17 h 20 min
[306926] A closer look at the mathematical model of a cryogenic current comparator
Autores: Vinicius Coutinho De Oliveira, Regis Pinheiro Landim, Charles Bezerra Do Prado
Resumo: A virtual resistor is a hardware and software assembly that realizes a control system to emulate “traditional” resistive components without the loss of energy efficiency that they entail. There are possible applications for virtual resistors to the Metrology in Electrical Resistance Standardization. However, as in any control system analysis, it is necessary to build proper mathematical models. Hence, a white-box modeling approach is required to understand the physical phenomena that affect the variability of measurements performed with resistance comparator bridges. This paper discusses how to start building a mathematical model for a resistance comparator bridge based on a commercial cryogenic current comparator. The data collection and statistical analyses necessary for refining such a model are presented. Results indicate that the current values along a measurement do not always fit a normal distribution. Moreover, there are some cases where one cannot assume that the current value is constant over the measurement period, i.e., there is a noticeable trend for current drift.
17 h 20 min – 17 h 40 min
17 h 40 min – 18 h
[303733] Non-linear transducers I/O modeling by ANN based on Harmonic Domain
Autores: Leonardo A. A. de Souza, Antonio C. S. Lima, Marcelo B. Martins, Marcus V. Viegas
Resumo: Modeling the non-linearity of transducers such as inductive voltage transformers is challenging for metrologists. This paper presents a ethodology to model non-linear transducers through a black-box approach. First, input and output signals are decomposed into harmonic components, to be mapped by an appropriate Artificial Neural Network (ANN). To support the choice of the ANN general features, we perform simulations in the Harmonic Domain (HD). That way, harmonic interactions due to non-linearity effects are considered by the procedure, which can be used in either single or multi-tone approaches. The proposed methodology is then used to characterize the metrological performance of one voltage transformer submitted to multi-harmonic signals.
16 h - 16 h 40 min
Comparação intralaboratorial de Flicker
Autores: Marcelo Sanches Dias, Mario Fernando Barbosa, João Henrique Angelo
Compatibility of Materials with the Magnetic Resonance Environment – Experimental Analysis
Autores: Marcio Antonio Sens
Detection of the best working region in an electromagnetic test for sigma harmful constituent analysis
Autores: João Batista de Oliveira Silva, Edgard de Macedo Silva, Rayssa Sousa de Andrade Toscano Lins, Suelen Lima de Carvalho Alencar, Suzete Elida Nóbrega Correia, Josinaldo Pereira Leite
Development and validation of a disruptive discharge simulator for use in proficiency testing activities
Autores: Fabrício Gonçalves Torres, Felipe Santiago Apolinario
Development of a contactless voltmeter based on capacitive coupling
Autores: André Ribeiro Gomes, Carlos Roberto Hall Barbosa
Development of impedance matching circuit for coupling of Planar Multijunction Thermal Converters to Programmable Josephson Voltage Standards
Autores: Nilton Copelo dos Santos, Regis Pinheiro Landim, Gean Marcos Geronymo
Ensaio de proficiência: estudo do comportamento temporal de um multímetro digital
Autores: Leonardo Victor da Silva Costa
Estudo comparativo entre o método experimental e simulação computacional para a determinação da resistividade elétrica em uma amostra de cobre
Autores: Kleber Jesus de Oliveira, José Roberto Cardoso
Evaluation of time and frequency data: anticipating failures in frequency patterns that make up an atomic time scale
Autores: Bruno de Oliveira Jordão, Daniel Varella Magalhães, Pedro Senna Rocha, Ricardo José de Carvalho
Measurement uncertainty improvement on electric current calibration using precision shunts
Autores: Marcelo Melo da Costa
Operating principle of electric current primary standard based on Ohm’s law, Josephson and quantum hall effects
Autores: Wesley Cardoso Dos Santos Sousa, Regis Pinheiro Landim
Proposal of Si and GaAs Double Junction Solar Cell: Characterization and Simulation
Autores: Willian Matos Machado Bazilio, Rudy Massami Sakamoto Kawabata, Guilherme Monteiro Torelly, Patrícia Lustoza de Souza, Rodrigo Flora Calili, Danie Ramos Louzada
Real time tropospheric delay measurements for time and frequency transfer using GNSS
Autores: Luiz Paulo da Silva Damaceno, V. S. Tavares
RepairSoftware: a Software Platform to Monitor and Optimize the Repair Process for Power -Meters
Autores: Caio César Henrique Cunha, Cilis Aragão Benevides, Paulo Regis C. Araújo, Rhuan Victor Crescêncio de Santiago, Thiago Pinho Serpa, Antônio Clécio Fontelles Thomaz, Antônio Andrio Cordeiro Lima, Henrique Reis Innecco, Jânio Alysson de Oliveira
RF Component Testing Techniques Applied to Measurement Assets in the Context of Industry 4.0
Autores: Caio César Henrique Cunha, Clauson S. N. Rios, Paulo Regis C. Araújo, Cilis Aragão Benevides, Thiago Pinho Serpa, Henrique Reis Innecco, Janio Oliveira, Rafael Nerone, Rhuan C. de Santiago, Jorge Batista, Antônio Clécio Thomaz Fontelles
Sistema de referência para medição sincrofasorial
Autores: Marcelo Britto Martins, Leonardo A A Souza, Rodrigo R Zampilis, Marcus V Viegas
Smartlabel: a proposal for applying blockchain in the use of the PROCEL seal
Autores: Lucas Aló Rodrigues Araújo da Silva, Rodrigo Flora Calili, Daniel Ramos Louzada
Stability evaluation of 1 Ω and 10 kΩ standard resistors using a step-down method
Autores: Marcio Candido da Silva, Helio Ricardo Carvalho, Vinicius Coutinho de Oliveira
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Temperature influence on measurement uncertainty of optical current sensors
Autores: Marcelo Melo da Costa, João Crisóstomo Weyl Albuquerque Costa, Maria Aparecida Gonçalves Martinez