[306907] Artigo – CBM – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia

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[306907] Democracy Measurement and Metrology

Autores: Clara Monteiro Vieira, Elisabeth Costa Monteiro

Resumo: Providing reliable and comparable results of democracy measurement is essential for scientific research and decision-making processes. While previous studies have discussed strategies for developing and evaluating democracy measurement systems, there is no in-depth analysis scrutinizing the existence of essential elements of metrology in this framework. Considering the alternatives described in the literature to meet metrological requirements regarding measurements associated with the complex measurands from the Human and Social Sciences, this work investigates the possible advances or yet-to-be-tackled features to provide reliable and comparable measurement results of democracy. Through analysing the most relevant democracy measuring systems available and their validation approaches, this study reveals that while metrology is not explicitly mentioned, diverse essential elements of the Science of Measurement are embodied in the concerns surrounding the extant methods used to measure democracy. Rasch’s theory, valuable for assessing measurement validity in the Human and Social Sciences, also holds the potential for overcoming metrological challenges associated with this field but is practically absent in democracy measurements. Adopting the Rasch model in the future could lead to theoretical advances and yield objectivity and intersubjectivity, thus providing metrological traceability and accurate results of democracy measurements.

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