Programa – CIMMEC


ISBN: 978-65-994975-9-9

(Apresentações Orais)


14 h – 14 h 20 min

[306022] Inmetro’s participation in the second run of SIM kilogram dissemination project (SKDP)

Autores: Fabio Andre Ludolf Cacais, Anderson Beatrici, Victor Loayza, Davi Quintão, Arlindo Rebelo

Resumo: Inmetro’s metrology mass laboratory (Lamas) participated in SIM Kilogram Dissemination Project (SKDP). The assessment of mass stability of the SIM21 1 kg stainless steel mass standard was carried out between 2018 and 2021 and a second run of measurements is in progress. The new results show a typical variability for a weighing system but not clear trend in measurements. Therefore one can say no mass drift for SIM21 mass standard was observed along the period between 2018 and 2023.

14 h 20 min – 14 h 40 min

[304872]  Metodologia alternativa de calibração de medidores de vazão ultrassônicos através do número de Reynolds: conceitos e considerações

Autores: Fábio Ouverney Costa, Priscila Costa Gabriel, Douglas de Almeida Garcia, Jorge Gomez Sanchez, Samuel Araújo, Marcos Herinque Gonçalves de Aquino, Anderson Mascarenhas Fontes, Carlos Leonardo Azeredo, Luiz Octavio Vieira Pereira

Resumo: A indústria de petróleo e gás no Brasil enfrenta desafios para atender os atuais requisitos de calibração estabelecidos em regulamentos técnicos de medição da produção. A grande variabilidade de condições, aliada à inviabilidade operacional e econômica e aspectos relacionados à segurança de se utilizar derivados de petróleo em laboratórios acreditados, limita a possibilidade de replicação de condições de operação em laboratório. Este artigo descreve como a metrologia científica do Inmetro vem conduzindo investigação metrológica para o desenvolvimento de novas metodologias e modelos de medição de vazão. No decorrer do trabalho são apresentadas as primeiras etapas de um estudo detalhado sobre o uso de número de Reynolds como parâmetro base na calibração de medidores ultrassônicos.

14 h 40 min – 15 h 

[304875] Transferability of water calibration to energy-transition relevant fluids applications using Coriolis mass flowmeters

Autores: Osmel Reyes Vaillant, Fábio Ouverney Costa, Iryna Marfenko, Douglas de Almeida Garcia, Luiz Octavio Vieira Pereira

Resumo: The results of a calibration round performed to Coriolis mass flowmeters, originally calibrated with water at factory conditions and re-calibrated with different fluids at several flow calibration facilities, are discussed in this paper. These calibrations were intended to prove the transferability concept from water to other fluids, some of them relevant to the energy-transition. The obtained results confirmed the robustness of the tested instruments performance and the viability to use the transferability approach as a reliable alternative. 

15 h – 15 h 20 min

[297127] Application of the Boundary Element Method for stationary scalar orthotropic problems

Autores: Hercules de Melo Barcelos, Carlos Friedrich Loeffler, Luciano de Oliveira Castro Lara

Resumo: This work presents an application of the Boundary Element Method in physical problems associated with orthotropic materials. The coordinate transformation resource was applied to use the isotropic model corresponding to the orthotropic model, this enabled a direct application of the Boundary Element Method to find a numerical solution. Solutions obtained with the application of the Finite Element Method were used for comparison. The error was measured through the percentage relative error, having as reference the analytical solution of the analyzed problem, being approached by the Separation of Variables Method. 

15 h 20 min – 15 h 40 min


[304714] On the microvolume measurement from 0.1 μ to 100 mL using a microsyringe Autores: Mila Rosendahl Avelino, Leandro Sanches Sampaio, Luiz Vicente Gomes Tarelho Resumo: The theme of this work involves the measurement of small volumes of liquids, comparing results using the gravimetric method in scales with different resolution. The main objective of this study is to characterize the behaviour of microsyringes during the measurement of microvolumes in the range between 0.1 and 1 μL by the gravimetric method, with metrological traceability, and compare with the results in the range up to 100 μL. The methodology is based on the method described in ISO 8655-6, where the total value of the measurement is considered. It solves a problem for measurements below 1 μL due to the metrological traceability of volume measurements by the gravimetric method is fundamentally linked to the mass, whereby a conversion from volume to mass 1 μL is approximately 1 mg. The smallest standard weight has a nominal value of 1 mg, so if only the dispensed liquid value were considered, there would be no metrological traceability for measurements with volumes below 1 μL. Eleven measurements are made at each point, in order to obtain the average of the measurements. However, each of the eleven measurements is independent, that is, in the first measurement the value of the empty weighing container is recorded and then the mass value of this container with the liquid that was dispensed is recorded. Results were presented and concluded the analysis. For consolidating the results, simulations of values were performed to verify a possible improvement if a scale with a resolution of 0.0001 mg and its respective measurement uncertainty were used.

15 h 40 min – 16 h


16 h – 16 h 20 min

[306922] Proposal for Structural Health Monitoring of a Thin Aluminum Plate with Thickness Loss

Autores: Daniel Ramos Louzada, Arthur Martins Barbosa Braga, Paula Medeiros Proença de Gouvêa , Carlos Roberto Hall Barbosa

Resumo: Different methodologies are employed in structural inspection tests, aiming at certifying quality while considering the fulfilment of project requirements and/or specifications. Their significance lies in their ability to detect or prevent potential irregularities, which may manifest in various forms, such as structural weakening due to fatigue, cracks from repetitive stress, delamination in composite materials, and corrosion. In this context, there has been an increasing emphasis on developing and implementing methodologies enabling the investigation of what has been conventionally referred to as Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). The present study addresses this subject, focusing on an experimental investigation of thickness loss in a thin aluminium plate monitored by fiber optic sensor networks. The experimental tests show measurements with uncertainty below 2 % more important, that the static load provoke deformation patterns that can indicate the presence of such defect. 

16 h 20 min – 16 h 40 min

[297625] Evaluation of calibration methods of piezoelectric transducers for dynamic pressure measurement in ballistics tests

Autores: Caio Bittencourt Cardoso Felix, Khrissy Aracélly Reis Medeiros, Carlos Roberto Hall Barbosa

Resumo: The measurement of internal pressure originating from the burning of the propelling charge of small caliber ammunition is a relevant topic in the defense industry, whether in the development of weapons or in the certification of ammunition. By employing piezoelectric transducers, the pressure curve of the internal ballistics can be obtained, which is fundamental for improving the techniques involved in measuring the pressure of ammunition. In turn, the calibration of piezoelectric transducers plays an important role in maintaining the metrological reliability of pressure tests. This study aimed to evaluate two calibration methodologies: Indirect Dynamic Calibration and Indirect Quasi-static Calibration. For this purpose, three piezoelectric transducers were calibrated using the two techniques mentioned, revealing the need to improve the procedures related to the second calibration method, especially regarding the influence of the operator and factors associated with the equipment, such as the existence of air in the hydraulic system, leaks and drift in the measurement chain. Finally, it was observed that the evaluated methods present many sources of uncertainty and metrologically require some adjustments in order to mitigate the various effects that affect the quality of the measurement. 

16 h 40 min – 17 h 

[297095] Proposta de uma metodologia para calibração da taxa de aquisição de câmeras de alta velocidade

Autores: Pedro Bastos Costa, Laisa Costaa Dias, Isadora Lorraine Ramos Amorim

Resumo: Câmeras de alta velocidade (HSC) podem ser empregadas para determinar o tempo de captação, a partir da taxa de aquisição da câmera e do número de quadros obtidos. A fim de aprimorar a aplicação dessas, com o intuito de medir a deformação pelo tempo em um ensaio de crash test de longarinas automotivas, este estudo visa propor uma nova metodologia abrangente e replicável de calibração da taxa de aquisição (frame rate) de tais câmeras. Utilizando uma Phantom Miro LAB 110 e um laser com frequência variável conhecida, com auxílio de programas computacionais, será possível traçar uma curva de calibração para uma frequência de 50 Hz. Este trabalho apresenta um teste inicial e descreve detalhadamente as etapas empregadas, bem como materiais e processos utilizados, baseados em diferentes bibliografias. 

17 h – 17 h 20 min

[303269] Avaliação qualitativa de estratégias de medição 3D de uma maquete arquitetônica por meio de escaneamento óptico

Autores: Douglas Mamoru Yamanaka, Danilo Neves Ribeiro de Paula, Manuel António Pires Castanho, Wellington de Oliveira Chaves, Olga Satomi Yoshida

Resumo: Os scanners ópticos 3D têm sido amplamente utilizados na metrologia dimensional, e este aparato apresenta inovações frente às várias alternativas clássicas estabelecidas há décadas em ambientes fabris, laboratorial e pesquisa. Estes scanners oferecem aquisição instantânea de dados sem a necessidade de avaliar a melhor estratégia de medição normalmente envolvida em medições 3D. Ao otimizar o tempo e eliminar a necessidade de dois ou mais equipamentos, as varreduras ópticas agilizam as tarefas metrológicas. Este trabalho apresenta algumas rotinas de medição 3D, avaliando e comparando qualitativamente a utilização dos recursos de um scanner óptico com máquinas e equipamentos clássicos da metrologia dimensional. O estudo de caso emprega uma maquete arquitetônica, e a adoção de um único dispositivo, no caso o scanner óptico, foi capaz de atingir resultados metrológicos interessantes eliminando o esforço de várias tarefas metrológicas. 

17 h 20 min – 17 h 40 min

[295848] Analysis of Eventual Changes in Rockwell Hardness Values Due to Changes in both actual and obsolete ISO standards 

Autores: Jorge Trota Filho, Rômulo Queiroz Fratari, Cláudio Afonso Koch, Sérgio Pinheiro de Oliveira

Resumo: This work analyzes the possible changes in the determination of the Rockwell Hardness value by comparing the current Rockwell Hardness standard, ISO 6508-1:2016, in relation to the similar standard that expired, ISO 6508-1:2005. They are described in detail item by item, note by note and annex by annex, comparing the two standards. Both the number of pages and changes in technical requirements are compared – technical and scientific explanations are offered when relevant, since these technical-scientific issues apparently were not considered in the ISO sessions that defined the normative requirements of the standard in force. 

17 h 40 min – 18 h 

[295630] Evaluation of elastic recovery of metallic materials during determination of Rockwell hardness

Autores: Jorge Trota Filho, Rômulo Queiroz Fratari, Cláudio Afonso Koch, Sérgio Pinheiro de Oliveira

Resumo: This work aims to demonstrate that the conventional property of Rockwell hardness is related to the elastic and plastic contributions promoted by the indenter when pressed against the surface of a metallic material. It has been shown that Rockwell Hardness is associated with a permanent deformation that is guaranteed by maintaining the initial force during the execution of the method. This elastic contribution is part of the result, being able to concentrate up to 66.4% of the Rockwell Hardness value for a given scale. However, this measurable elastic contribution is usually neglected. The authors are convinced that this behavior of materials during Rockwell Hardness determination can serve as a parameter to infer or measure other mechanical properties of materials, such as resilience, tenacity and modulus of elasticity. 


16 h - 16 h 40 min



Avaliação das mudanças no grau de cristalinidade do UHMWPE submetido à deformação mecânica compressiva utilizando diferentes técnicas de medição

Autores: Lucas Gimenis de Moura, Márcia Marie Maru de Moraes, Clara Muniz da Silva de Almeida, Carlos Rodrigo de Mello Roesler


Comparação da resistência ao desgaste e das propriedades viscoelásticas e microestruturais de três tipos de resina de polietileno de ultra-alto peso molecular utilizados em próteses de ortopedia

Autores: Alexander Martins da Silva, Vanessa Kapps, Jorge Trota Filho, Márcia Marie Maru de Moraes


Estudo teórico e experimental sobre a influência do número de pontos na calibração de medidores de vazão

Autores: Fábio Ouverney Costa, Douglas de Almeida Garcia, Jorge Gomez Sanchez, Samuel Araújo, Marco Henrique Gonçalves de Aquino, Priscila Costa Gabriel, Gelson Martins da Rocha, Igor Pereira Barros, Luiz Octavio Vieira Pereira


Metodologia de avaliação da rigidez de um tribômetro para ensaios de desgaste de materiais 

Autores: Marcia Marie Maru de Moraes, Vanessa Kapps, Sergio Pinheiro de Oliveira, Jorge Trota Filho


On the microvolume measurement from 0.1 µL to 100 µL using a micropipette 

Autores: Mila Rosendahl Avelino, Leandro Sanches Sampaio, Luiz Vicente Gomes Tarelho


Suitability Verification of a Roughness Measurement Process Using the MSA and the Cdl* Capability Coefficient  Autores: José Eduardo Ferreira de Oliveira, Sidney Teylor de Oliveira, Felipe Roque de Albuquerque Neto


Traceability of line scales using image processing 

Autores: Pedro Costa, Alberto Delbone de Faria, Geovanni Andreatta Pereira, Laisa Costa Dias, Isadora Lorraine Ramos Amorim

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