[306913] Artigo – CBM – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia

Detalhes do Artigo

[306913] Preliminary results of ultrasonic output at different applied contact forces to the transducer

Autores: Alex Justen Teixeira, Ericles William Jesus Santos, Tiago Costa Dourado, Sandro Aureliano Miqueleti, Rodrigo Pereira Barreto Costa-Félix

Resumo: Ultrasound is a powerful tool for medical and industrial applications. However, with the new opportunities of Industry 4.0, it is natural that measurement protocols become increasingly robust. In contact ultrasound measurements, no studies were identified that systematically evaluated the effect of the transducer contact force on the ultrasonic properties. Therefore, this work aims to study the state of the art of this problem and present a measurement protocol in which it is planned to evaluate the ultrasonic behaviour under different contact forces experimentally. The quantities of interest will be the ultrasonic velocity and the relative amplitude of the propagation signal. Three carbon steel samples were selected for the evaluation planned in this preliminary study. This material was chosen mainly because of its low roughness, which should mean greater control over variations in said properties. For these measurements, the pulse-echo method, with a 5 MHz central frequency transducer, was used to evaluate the amplitudes of the three first reflections and the longitudinal velocity measured from the transit times of the amplitude peaks of the referred reflections. The results of this study will indicate that the increase in the contact force improves the coupling conditions, increasing the amplitude of the ultrasonic signal available to the system. Regarding propagation time, no changes in propagation speed were identified.

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