[303207] Artigo – CBM – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia

Detalhes do Artigo

[303207] Determination of contaminants in samples of organic and inorganic raw materials and mineral mixture: collaborative study 

Autores: Gilberto Batista de Souza, Daniela de Assis Bócoli, Carla Carraro, Ana Rita de Araujo Nogueira

Resumo: An inter-laboratory comparison was running focused on determining As, Cd, Cr, Hg, and Se in raw materials and mineral mixture. The test materials were commercially available calcitic limestone, copper sulfate, premix mineral supplement, and sodium selenite, which were processed, bottled, labeled, and dispatched to participants, together with the details of the analytical procedure. The exercise enabled the establishment of an adequate analytical protocol for measuring undesirable trace elements in the evaluated matrices, defining the analytical precision parameters about repeatability (r) and reproducibility (R) in the laboratory results. Regarding the Hg content, it was not possible to establish the precision parameters since the mass fraction for that measurand was below the limit of detection of the method used.

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