[306121] Artigo – CBM – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia

Detalhes do Artigo

[306121] Evaluation of impact energy absorption in natural fiber composites

Autores: Tatiana Barbosa de Andrade, Rosana Medeiros Moreira, Edilvando Pereira Eufrazio, Tatiana Vianna Francisco, Elcio Cruz de Oliveira

Resumo: In response to the increasing concerns about motorcyclists’ safety and advancements in the motorcycle industry, this study investigated the potential of natural fibers as a sustainable means to enhance helmet protection. Leveraging statistical tools such as the Shapiro-Wilk test, Chauvenet’s criterion, and the Interquartile Range, we compared the impact energy absorption of composites reinforced with natural fibers to that of expanded polyurethane (PU) prototypes. The results, assessed through confidence intervals, indicated that composites reinforced with 5 % sugarcane bagasse, 5 % and 10 % coconut, and 10 % and 15 % sisal demonstrated a notably superior impact absorption performance than pure PU. These insights emphasize the potential of natural fibers in enhancing helmet safety and suggest promising directions for future research into the ideal composite materials for motorcycle helmets a line of inquiry currently in progress.

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