[297043] Artigo – CBM – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia

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[297043] Methods improvements for determining the composition of biomethane

Autores: Isabela de M. M. Alves, Vanderléa de Souza, Cristiane R. Augusto C. Iglesias, Viviane F. Mello, Claudia C. Ribeiro, Andreia L. Fioravante

Resumo: With the increase in pollution and environmental degradation, the need to use renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels has intensified, and the use of biofuels is an excellent option. In recent years, many studies on biogas have been carried out, as it is considered a renewable energy source. This energy source has several purposes, however, the focus of this work is the use of biogas from landfills as fuel, which can be added to Natural Gas (NG) networks. To add biogas to the NG distribution networks, it needs to go through a purification process, becoming biomethane, with a higher concentration of methane and an increased calorific value. The quality control of biomethane from landfills intended for vehicular use is established by ANP Resolution No. 886 of 2022. To comply with this Resolution, it is necessary to correctly measure the composition of gaseous components with the application of high accuracy and precision methods, in order to perform a reliable measurement with high quality results. In view of this, the adequacy of analytical methods was carried out so that they can determine the composition of the major components (methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen) present in biomethane. Then there was the study of the metrological validation of the methods, and, subsequently, a sample of biomethane produced synthetically by the gas industry was used, and, through the results, it was possible to conclude that the composition of methane is not in accordance with the limit of the Resolution, however, the composition of carbon dioxide and oxygen are in agreement.

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