[303738] Artigo – CIMMEC – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

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[303738] On the microvolume measurement from 0.1 µL to 100 µL using a micropipette 

Autores: Mila Rosendahl Avelino, Leandro Sanches Sampaio, Luiz Vicente Gomes Tarelho

Resumo: Measuring a microvolume with a  icropipette allows for great time optimization and does not require as much skill from the user, when compared to the same measurement using a microsyringe. Even with all these advantages, there are details in measurement that cannot be overlooked. The main objective of this study is to characterize the behavior of micropipettes during the  easurement of microvolumes in the range between 0.1 and 1 µL by the gravimetric method, with metrological traceability, and present the results in the range up to 100 µL. The ISO 8655-6:2022 standard specifies a measurement procedure by the gravimetric method for determining the volume of  iston-operated volumetric instruments. For measurement below 1µL, some influences are very significant and must be considered at the time of measurement. Due to the great difficulty in aspirating volumes of 0.1 µL, greater attention must be applied in order to avoid values that are very different from what is expected. Another important point is that the value of 100 µL value is the point where the balance resolution, when compared to balances with 0.01 mg and 0.001 mg resolution, does not impact the expanded  ncertainty of the measurement. From this point on, other sources of uncertainty assume greater influence.
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