[306922] Artigo – CIMMEC – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

Detalhes do Artigo

[306922] Proposal for Structural Health Monitoring of a Thin Aluminum Plate with Thickness Loss

Autores: Daniel Ramos Louzada, Arthur Martins Barbosa Braga, Paula Medeiros Proença de Gouvêa , Carlos Roberto Hall Barbosa

Resumo: Different methodologies are employed in structural inspection tests, aiming at certifying quality while considering the fulfilment of project requirements and/or specifications. Their significance lies in their ability to detect or prevent potential irregularities, which may manifest in various forms, such as structural weakening due to fatigue, cracks from repetitive stress, delamination in composite materials, and corrosion. In this context, there has been an increasing emphasis on developing and implementing methodologies enabling the investigation of what has been conventionally referred to as Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). The present study addresses this subject, focusing on an experimental investigation of thickness loss in a thin aluminium plate monitored by fiber optic sensor networks. The experimental tests show measurements with uncertainty below 2 % more important, that the static load provoke deformation patterns that can indicate the presence of such defect. 

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