[295630] Artigo – CIMMEC – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

Detalhes do Artigo

[295630] Evaluation of elastic recovery of metallic materials during determination of Rockwell hardness

Autores: Jorge Trota Filho, Rômulo Queiroz Fratari, Cláudio Afonso Koch, Sérgio Pinheiro de Oliveira

Resumo: This work aims to demonstrate that the conventional property of Rockwell hardness is related to the elastic and plastic contributions promoted by the indenter when pressed against the surface of a metallic material. It has been shown that Rockwell Hardness is associated with a permanent deformation that is guaranteed by maintaining the initial force during the execution of the method. This elastic contribution is part of the result, being able to concentrate up to 66.4% of the Rockwell Hardness value for a given scale. However, this measurable elastic contribution is usually neglected. The authors are convinced that this behavior of materials during Rockwell Hardness determination can serve as a parameter to infer or measure other mechanical properties of materials, such as resilience, tenacity and modulus of elasticity. 

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