[296335] Artigo – CIMMEC – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

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[296335] Suitability Verification of a Roughness Measurement Process Using the MSA and the Cdl* Capability Coefficient 

Autores: José Eduardo Ferreira de Oliveira, Sidney Teylor de Oliveira,Felipe Roque de Albuquerque Neto

Resumo: The objective of this work is to apply the Measurement System Analysis (MSA) as well as the capability coefficient Cdl*, which consider both variability and central tendency in its calculation to evaluate the roughness measurement process of surfaces obtained by planning operations. Through this study, it was possible to carry out a comparison between the two methods with the purpose of verifying the variations presented between them with the intention of adopting only the capability coefficient as a parameter for verifying the capability of the measurement process. In this work, a systematic approach was proposed for the use of the Cdl* coefficient for evaluation of measurement processes. This capability coefficient was recently developed by our research group entitled Tolerancing and Metrology.

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