[304714] Artigo – CIMMEC – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

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[304714] On the microvolume measurement from 0.1 uL to 100 mL using a microsyringe

Autores: Mila Rosendahl Avelino, Leandro Sanches Sampaio, Luiz Vicente Gomes Tarelho

Resumo: The theme of this work involves the measurement of small volumes of liquids, comparing results using the gravimetric method in scales with different resolution. The main objective of this study is to characterize the behaviour of microsyringes during the measurement of microvolumes in the range between 0.1 and 1 L by the gravimetric method, with metrological traceability, and compare with the results in the range up to 100 L. The methodology is based on the method described in ISO 8655-6, where the total value of the measurement is considered. It solves a problem for measurements below 1 L due to the metrological traceability of volume measurements by the gravimetric method is fundamentally linked to the mass, whereby a conversion from volume to mass 1 L is approximately 1 mg. The smallest standard weight has a nominal value of 1 mg, so if only the dispensed liquid value were considered, there would be no metrological traceability for measurements with volumes below 1 L. Eleven measurements are made at each point, in order to obtain the average of the measurements. However, each of the eleven measurements is independent, that is, in the first measurement the value of the empty weighing container is recorded and then the mass value of this container with the liquid that was dispensed is recorded. Results were presented and concluded the analysis. For consolidating the results, simulations of values were performed to verify a possible improvement if a scale with a resolution of 0.0001 mg and its respective measurement uncertainty were used. 

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