[304875] Artigo – CIMMEC – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

Detalhes do Artigo

[304875] Transferability of water calibration to energy-transition relevant fluids applications using Coriolis mass flowmeters

Autores: Osmel Reyes Vaillant, Fábio Ouverney Costa, Iryna Marfenko, Douglas de Almeida Garcia, Luiz Octavio Vieira Pereira

Resumo: The results of a calibration round performed to Coriolis mass flowmeters, originally calibrated with water at factory conditions and re-calibrated with different fluids at several flow calibration facilities, are discussed in this paper. These calibrations were intended to prove the transferability concept from water to other fluids, some of them relevant to the energy-transition. The obtained results confirmed the robustness of the tested instruments performance and the viability to use the transferability approach as a reliable alternative. 

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