[296619] Artigo – SEMETRO – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Elétrica

Detalhes do Artigo

[296619] Operating principle of electric current primary standard based on Ohm’s law, Josephson and quantum hall effects

Autores: Jorge Trota Filho, Rômulo Queiroz Fratari, Cláudio Afonso Koch, Sérgio Pinheiro de Oliveira

Resumo: Ammeters in the range between nanoampere and miliampere are very used in fundamental and applied metrology, industry, microelectronics, medical care, and health. The calibration of these instruments needs calibration standards to provide a minimum quality process and traceability essential for measurement system. In Brazil, it does not exist a DC current primary standard based on Ohm´s law, which is one of BIPM recommendations to realize the ampere. In this ongoing work, it is being developed an electric current primary standard based on Ohm´s law in the range between nanoampere and microampere. This paper shows the most important phenomena present in electric current standards based on Ohm´s law obtained through the integration of a standard resistor, directly calibrated against a Quantum Hall System, and a Josephson Voltage Standard. Additionally, this paper presents the result of the software developed so far, in python language, to perform this integration of the system’s components. As a result, it was obtained an understanding of the main quantum phenomena in these primary standards of voltage and electrical resistance. This understanding is fundamental for the development of electric current primary standard based on Ohm’s law.

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