[305964] Artigo – SEMETRO – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Elétrica

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[305964] Smartlabel: a proposal for applying blockchain in the use of the PROCEL seal

Autores: Lucas Aló Rodrigues Araújo da Silva, Rodrigo Flora Calili, Daniel Ramos Louzada

Resumo: Consumers need information to make decisions when they are buying a piece of new equipment. Logos, labels, and quality descriptions are necessary for this purpose. Therefore, energy efficiency labels aim to persuade consumers to buy more efficient products and manufacturers to produce them more efficiently. Labels and equipment tags also ensure traceability to help consumers reduce information asymmetry regarding product quality and increase confidence in purchasing the product. A technology that presents itself to fill this gap is blockchain, which can help address each aspect by enabling traceability, certification, verification, and security of the equipment’s presented information. This study aims to propose a smart energy efficiency label (smart label) using blockchain technology for secure access, traceability, validation, and certification of all information related to the energy performance of the labelled equipment. The methodology of this work involves mapping the process for using the PROCEL label on a typical household appliance from the Brazilian Labelling Program (PBE), demonstrating the application of blockchain technology during the process. With the PROCEL label, the use of blockchain can inform the entire lifecycle history of that equipment and all the steps followed until it reaches the hands of the consumer. Thus, consumers can trace and verify the results of the tests the equipment has undergone, make comparisons between various products, understand the ecological impact of the development of that product, and have the assurance that the product containing the blockchain-enabled label is not counterfeit. The smart label has great potential for agility, transparency, security, interoperability, auditability, reliability, and product traceability.

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