[304586] Artigo – SEMETRO – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

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[304586] Development of a contactless voltmeter based on capacitive coupling

Autores: André Ribeiro Gomes, Carlos Roberto Hall Barbosa

Resumo: The aim of this study was to develop a voltmeter using the capacitive coupling technique for voltage measurements. The proposed voltmeter design offers a simple and cost-effective alternative to traditional voltage measurement methods. By using capacitive coupling, the need for direct electrical contact between the measuring circuit and the voltage source is eliminated, allowing for non-invasive voltage measurements. The development process involved the design and construction of a capacitive coupling circuit, which enabled the transfer of the voltage signal to a measurement circuit. The measurement circuit included signal conditioning components and an analog-to-digital converter for accurate voltage readings. The system has been calibrated and tested using a known voltage source to ensure reliable and accurate measurements. The experimental results show that the voltmeter obtained satisfactory performance for the usual voltage of 127 V AC and a maximum distance of 0.2 m from the point of interest, maintaining a low level of interference from external electrical noises. The proposed voltmeter design has potential for several applications, especially in scenarios where direct electrical contact with the voltage source is undesirable or impractical. It offers a reliable and efficient solution for voltage measurements, being suitable for both industrial and research purposes.

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