[303733] Artigo – SEMETRO – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Elétrica

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[303733] Non-linear transducers I/O modeling by ANN based on Harmonic Domain

Autores: Leonardo A. A. de Souza, Antonio C. S. Lima, Marcelo B. Martins, Marcus V. Viegas

Resumo: Modeling the non-linearity of transducers such as inductive voltage transformers is challenging for metrologists. This paper presents a  ethodology to model non-linear transducers through a black-box approach. First, input and output signals are decomposed into harmonic components, to be mapped by an appropriate Artificial Neural Network (ANN). To support the choice of the ANN general features, we perform simulations in the Harmonic Domain (HD). That way, harmonic interactions due to non-linearity effects are considered by the procedure, which can be used in either single or multi-tone approaches. The proposed methodology is then used to characterize the metrological performance of one voltage transformer submitted to multi-harmonic signals.

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