[303672] Artigo – SEMETRO – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

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[303672] Detection of the best working region in an electromagnetic test for sigma harmful constituent analysis

Autores: João Batista de Oliveira Silva, Edgard de Macedo Silva, Rayssa Sousa de Andrade Toscano Lins, Suelen Lima de Carvalho Alencar, Suzete Elida Nóbrega Correia, Josinaldo Pereira Leite

Resumo: There are several equipments for non-destructive tests using Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) principle. This work proposed a new electromagnetic test configuration based on the MBN analysis, using an emitter coil and a Hall effect sensor, to detect the presence of the sigma phase in a Duplex Stainless Steel. Two samples of AID SAF 2205 were used. One in the as received condition, that is, without showing precipitates and one treated at 850 °C, aged for 15 min. Signals of electromagnetic sine waves were applied through an emitting coil, these passed through the material and a Hall sensor, positioned after the material, receives the waves resulting from the interaction. The electromagnetic waves resulting from the MBN effect were studied by subjecting the samples to magnetic fields with varying frequency and amplitude, in order to detect the presence of the sigma phase in the material. The test showed that it is possible to replace the receiver coil, in the traditional configuration by the Hall effect sensor. It was observed that the application of waves with frequencies from 5 Hz to 50 Hz can be used with amplitudes between 1 V and 2 V for detecting the sigma phase.

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