[305942] Artigo – SEMETRO – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Elétrica

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[305942] Proposal of Si and GaAs Double Junction Solar Cell: Characterization and Simulation

Autores:Willian Matos Machado Bazilio, Rudy Massami Sakamoto Kawabata, Guilherme Monteiro Torelly, Patrícia Lustoza de Souza, Rodrigo Flora Calili, Danie Ramos Louzada

Resumo: Integrating III-V solar cells with silicon (Si) holds great promise for advancing commercial solar cell technology. Various methods exist to combine III-V and silicon, each presenting unique obstacles. Our study focuses on different III-V solar cell configurations to enhance their compatibility with silicon cells. Utilizing the SCAPS software, we conducted simulations to design an ideal III-V device that closely aligns with commercially available Si solar cells. By optimizing the base layer’s thickness (2,5 μm) and doping level during the simulations, we achieved an impressive efficiency of 28.03%.

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