[296186] Artigo – CBM – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia

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[296186] Leveraging WebAssembly for Enhanced Performance in Uncertainty Calculation of Monte Carlo Simulation on Web Browsers

Autores: Artur Augusto Martins, Anderson Poiani Lopes Mendes, Ednaldo Cruz

Resumo:  Monte Carlo simulations are widely used in various scientific and engineering domains to estimate uncertainties and make informed decisions. However, running these simulations efficiently on web browsers poses significant challenges due to the inherent limitations of JavaScript, the predominant language for web development. In this paper, we present a novel approach that leverages WebAssembly, compiled from the Rust programming language, to enhance the performance of uncertainty calculations in Monte Carlo simulations directly within web browsers. Our approach is implemented in a web application called “Uncertainty.app,” which provides users with a seamless and interactive interface to perform uncertainty calculations.

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