[296958] Artigo – CBMRI – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes

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[296958] The Stripping Method for X-Ray Spectral Correction in ISO 4037-1 Narrow Spectra Series (N10-N150)  

Autores: Matheus Rebello do Nascimento, Josilene Cerqueira Santos, Eric Matos Macêdo, Leonardo de Castro Pacífico, Luís Alexandre Gonçalves Magalhães, José Guilherme Pereira Peixoto

Resumo: X-ray detection systems require a deep analysis of their particularities and operational limitation. In that sense, measurements with solid-state detectors can present considerable distortions due to the interaction between the photons and the detector. Therefore, to overcome these distortions, the Stripping methodology correction is extensively discussed in this paper. To evaluate the performance of this methodology, the ISO 4037-1 narrow-spectrum series from N10 to N150 was measured using a CdTe spectrometer and corrected for scape of characteristic X-ray, Compton plateau and efficiency. The corrected spectra were compared to the ISO requirements by the mean energy value and shape. It was observed that the differences between the mean energy of corrected spectra are inside the norm tolerance, except for N120 and N150, where both shape and mean energy are significantly different, with an error of 5% and 9% respectively. These results suggest that the Stripping method reduces spectral distortion being suitable for the correction of N10 to N100 radiation qualities with a CdTe spectrometer. For higher energies should be investigated other existing approaches, such as unfolding spectra techniques.

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