[306209] Artigo – CBMRI – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes

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[306209] Computational simulation of electronic avalanches under  uniformly varying electric field in a proportional detector

Autores: Iury S Silveira, L V E Caldas

Resumo:The signal generation in a proportional detector is based on the avalanche of ionizations that occur within its sensitive volume; these ionizations are complex processes and are difficult to model analytically. Furthermore, this phenomenon is influenced by a variety of factors, including the electric field, the filling gas, and the detector geometry. In this work, a computational method is presented to simulate electron transport, which is based on the hydrodynamic approximation of the Boltzmann transport equation. This approximation considers that the filling gas behaves as a fluid and that electrons move according to the laws of hydrodynamics, thereby simplifying the transport equation and enabling numerical solutions. This allows simulations to be performed in a relatively short time with a high precision. This study explores the behavior of avalanches under the influence of a varying external electric field along the detector, as well as some transport parameters for the gas mixture P-10 (90% Ar and 10% CH4). The simulation results were compared with current literature and showed good agreement. These simulations can be utilized to enhance the design and operation of detectors and can also contribute to the development of new detector types.

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