[297021] Artigo – CBMRI – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes

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[297021] Calibration and Management 4.0 An innovative approach in ionizing radiation metrology using Pandora IRTech software

Autores: Igor Fernando Modesto Garcia, Marcus Vinicius Linhares de Oliveira, Eric Matos Macedo, Jeovana Santos Ferreira, Marcus Vinicius Texeirra Navarro, Jose Guilherme Perreira Peixoto

Resumo: To solve the new metrological challenges related to the digital revolution, recently a series of projects have been created worldwide with the primary objective of promoting the new infrastructure for legal digital metrology: through the use of clouds to support conformity assessment processes, development of infrastructure for digital calibration certificates; research on the comparability of real and virtual measurements and work on assessment methods for machine learning and artificial intelligence. Objective: To present Pandora IRTech, a calibration and management software that uses concepts and technologies from the 4th industrial revolution. Pandora IRTech was built from a conceptual model derived from state-of-the-art studies and process and risk mappings. The model identified optimized structures and features for software development. Finally, the applications developed to optimize the calibration process and laboratory management in the current context of the digital revolution in metrology are presented and discussed

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