[297127] Artigo – CIMMEC – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

Detalhes do Artigo

[297127] Application of the Boundary Element Method for stationary scalar orthotropic problems

Autores: Hercules de Melo Barcelos, Carlos Friedrich Loeffler, Luciano de Oliveira Castro Lara

Resumo: This work presents an application of the Boundary Element Method in physical problems associated with orthotropic materials. The coordinate transformation resource was applied to use the isotropic model corresponding to the orthotropic model, this enabled a direct application of the Boundary Element Method to find a numerical solution. Solutions obtained with the application of the Finite Element Method were used for comparison. The error was measured through the percentage relative error, having as reference the analytical solution of the analyzed problem, being approached by the Separation of Variables Method. 

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