[303492] Artigo – CBMO – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia Óptica

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[303492] Update of Inmetro’s Primary Spectral Regular Transmittance Calibration System

Autores: Willian Anderson Tavares de Sousa, Thiago Ferreira da Silva

Resumo: We present an evaluation of the improvements made to the Laraf’s Primary Spectral Regular Transmittance Calibration System (PTCS) at the Inmetro Radiometry and Photometry Laboratory (Laraf). The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using the PTCS for the absolute characterization of spectral  egular transmittance filters in the range of 330 nm to 1060 nm. The results obtained in this initial evaluation confirmed the reliability of the PTCS in terms of its ability to measure the spectral regular transmittance of standard filters with high accuracy in the visible range and part of the near-infrared, indicating its viability as a primary standard for traceability of spectrophotometric quantities.

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