[303725] Artigo – CBM – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia

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[303725] Study of Accuracy and Measurement Uncertainty of Asset Localization in Logistics 4.0 Using GNSS-RTK Technologies

Autores: Alex Krummenauer, Tulio Dapper e Silva, Roger Thomas Fontoura França, Vitor Camargo Nardelli

Resumo: The accuracy and measurement uncertainty associated with real-time asset localization represent a fundamental role in decision-making processes in Logistics 4.0. The global uncertainty, which encompasses errors and uncertainties, determines the time required to locate an asset and the success rate of asset movement operations. This study evaluated the accuracy and measurement uncertainty of the localization of a GNSS-RTK rover and asset location in an outdoor environment under different signal reception conditions, time of day, and sky conditions. In the outdoor environment of SENAI ISI-SIM, 2D position errors and orientation errors, along with their measurement uncertainties, were determined using a GNSSRTK rover installed on a pallet truck. GNSS-RTK technology is a highly precise positioning technique that utilizes carrier phase measurements from GNSS signals to achieve centimeterlevel accuracy in real-time. The metrological reliability was based on the coordinates of a GNSS station from IBGE and the use of a total station. The measurement uncertainties were calculated using the ISO GUM method. The system also features a magnetometer to estimate the orientation of the pallet truck, this orientation is utilized in the process of coordinate transfer, taking into consideration the position of the rover’s GNSS-RTK antenna and the position of the asset. As a result of this study, a position measurement uncertainty of 0.03 m was estimated, with an asset localization accuracy ranging from 0.10 m to 0.24 m, resulting in a global uncertainty of 0.27 m.

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