[304583] Artigo – CBMRI – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes

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[304583] Characterization of a spectrometric system with NaI(Tl) for ensuring traceability of radiopharmaceuticals

Autores: Dayana Azeredo da Conceição, José Ubiratan Delgado, Octavio Luiz Trindade Filho

Resumo: In radiopharmaceutical production centres and nuclear medicine services, short half-life radionuclides are essential. They are used as radiotracers since its uses have increased significantly and they have aroused the interest of national metrology laboratories, which are responsible for providing traceability to radioactive standards. Therefore, knowledge of the activity of administered radiopharmaceuticals must be obtained accurately. However, their short half-lives prevent the provision of traceability. To overcome these obstacles, an itinerant system based on a scintillator detector of the NaI(Tl) type is being developed at the National Laboratory of Metrology of Ionizing Radiations (LNMRI). This work aims to show the schematic arrangement of the system developed and to perform the characterization tests of its parameters in order to ensure traceability of the main radiopharmaceuticals used in nuclear medicine services.

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