[297625] Artigo – CIMMEC – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

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[297625] Evaluation of calibration methods of piezoelectric transducers for dynamic pressure measurement in ballistics tests

Autores: Caio Bittencourt Cardoso Felix, Khrissy Aracélly Reis Medeiros, Carlos Roberto Hall Barbosa

Resumo: The measurement of internal pressure originating from the burning of the propelling charge of small caliber ammunition is a relevant topic in the defense industry, whether in the development of weapons or in the certification of ammunition. By employing piezoelectric transducers, the pressure curve of the internal ballistics can be obtained, which is fundamental for improving the techniques involved in measuring the pressure of ammunition. In turn, the calibration of piezoelectric transducers plays an important role in maintaining the metrological reliability of pressure tests. This study aimed to evaluate two calibration methodologies: Indirect Dynamic Calibration and Indirect Quasi-static Calibration. For this purpose, three piezoelectric transducers were calibrated using the two techniques mentioned, revealing the need to improve the procedures related to the second calibration method, especially regarding the influence of the operator and factors associated with the equipment, such as the existence of air in the hydraulic system, leaks and drift in the measurement chain. Finally, it was observed that the evaluated methods present many sources of uncertainty and metrologically require some adjustments in order to mitigate the various effects that affect the quality of the measurement. 

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