[296975] Artigo – CBMRI – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes

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[296975] Tc-99m Doses In Wild Felines, Dogs And Cats: A Comprehensive Review

Autores: Monaliza de Oliveira Almeida, Carlos Henrique Simões de Sousa, José Guilherme Pereira Peixoro

Resumo: This article presents a comprehensive review of the doses of technetium-99m (sodium pertechnetate) in wild cats, dogs and domestic cats. The research was based on the study of the Thesis of Dr Carlos Henrique Simões de Sousa, where the selection of reference institutions, analysis of scientific articles, master’s dissertations and doctoral theses related to the theme were also involved. In addition, information on the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in animals was explored and considered in the prescription of doses. From the selected studies, linear regressions were performed to estimate the specific activities according to the weight of the animals. The comparison between the activities recommended by the institutions, the activities obtained from the linear regressions allowed a comparative analysis and an evaluation of the best approach to calculate the doses of sodium pertechnetate. The results suggest that linear regressions provide very accurate estimates.

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