[295845] Artigo – CBMRI – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes

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[295845] The IRD Knowledge Management Maturity Assessment

Autores: Fernando Barcellos Razuck

Resumo: The Institute of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry (IRD) is one of the institutes of the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN), being considered a national and international reference in research, development and teaching activities in the area of radiation protection, dosimetry, medical physics and metrology of ionizing radiation. Despite this importance, over the years, it is possible to observe a decrease in the number of employees due to the increase in retirements and a decrease in the hiring. In this sense, this paper focuses on evaluating the impact on the IRD’s intellectual capital generated by the growing number of retirements. This study is justified by the insufficient documentation and transfer of technologies, experiences and acquired knowledge, due to the absence, in the past, of a KM culture. To assess the level of KM maturity in the IRD, a self-assessment methodology developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was applied to help identify strengths and areas for development in the organization’s overall KM strategy. This self-assessment has eight categories and the analysis of the results is based on the difference (∆ Score) found between the current score and the desired score. Thus, the categories with the highest scores are those where the greatest KM efforts should be prioritized. This work revealed two relevant aspects to be treated as strategic institutional objectives: Human Resources Processes for KM and Knowledge Capture. As expected, KM tools show their potential to detect and quantify issues to be addressed and prioritized by institutional decision makers.

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