[305834] Artigo – CBMRI – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes

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[305834] Proficiency Test of calibration of surface contamination monitors with Brazilian Network – 2022/2023

Autores: Tânia Schirn Cabral, Adilson da Silva Laranjeira, Maria da Penha Albuquerque Potiens, Carlos M. A. Soares, Helen Khoury, Vinicius Saito, Vanessa Mondaini, Hebert Pinto Silveira de Oliveira, Marina A. Pires

Resumo: This work reports the results obtained from the proficiency test involving 7 laboratories in Brazil. This exercise is about the calibration service of surface contamination monitors. The monitor has been calibrated to BS ISO 7503-3, the calibration factor in terms of surface emission rate. The proficiency test was conducted by the Brazilian National Laboratory of Ionizing Radiation Metrology (LNMRI / IRD) from December 2022 to May 2023. The extensive sources used were 14C, 137Cs, 60Co, 90Sr/90Y, 36Cl and 241Am. The result of this proficiency test was excellent, proving its need and the capacity of the Brazilian network in the calibration service for surface contamination monitors.
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