[295086] Artigo – CBMRI – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes

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[295086] Importance of Dose Reference Level in Pediatric Computed Tomography

Autores: Caroline de Oliveira Bastos, Beatriz Silva de Assis, Matheus Rebello do Nascimento, João Henrique Hamann da Silva, Tainá Olivieri Chaves, José Guilherme Pereira Peixoto

Resumo: Radiation dosimetry is vital in minimizing health risks associated with ionizing radiation, especially for pediatric patients who are more sensitive and at higher risk. Chest radiography and computed tomography (CT) are common procedures for diagnosing pediatric patients, but the distribution of radiation dose in CT is different and often results in higher effective oses. To ensure patient safety, the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle should be followed, and diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs) should be established. DRLs serve as crucial tools to optimize dose and achieve high-quality diagnostic Imaging while minimizing radiation risks. This article focuses on studying the variables for the verification, validation, and creation of a dose reference level in CT for pediatric patients in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. International standards such as ICRP 135 and Radiation Protection N° 185 are used as references. The study considers factors such as weight, height, age, scan time, number of images, CTDIvol, collimation, and beam energy. The procedures analyzed are divided into head, chest, and abdomen. Probability models, specifically the T-Student Distribution method, will be used to analyze the data and determine diagnostic reference levels. Excel and Python will be used for data analysis and statistical tests. The expected results include the determination of specific diagnostic reference levels for pediatric CT in Rio de Janeiro, reducing the risk of cancer induction, and minimizing excessive doses. In conclusion, establishing dose reference levels for pediatric CT is crucial for radiological protection. Specialized DRLs that consider the unique characteristics of pediatric patients are necessary to ensure optimized dose and radioprotection for all pediatric groups undergoing CT.

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