[295851] Artigo – CBMRI – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes

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[295851] Deconvolution: an analysis of theses and dissertations and their relevance to the nuclear area

Autores: Fernando Barcellos Razuck

Resumo: Convolution and deconvolution (inverse convolution operation) are mathematical methods used for processing signals and images, and can be applied in different areas of knowledge, such as Astronomy, Geology and Medicine. In order to demonstrate its relevance in research in Brazil, this paper aimed to carry out a bibliographic review, through the Bank of Theses and Dissertations (BTD) of the Coordination of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), of works carried out on the theme, and analyze, through the scientific knowledge management, the works carried out in nuclear area. It is understood that, although few works were found in the nuclear area, the use of the deconvolution process is evolving, considering its importance for spectrometry analyses, mainly for Metrology, an activity that is extremely relevant for the country.  

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