[296087] Artigo – SEMETRO – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

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[296087] Development and validation of a disruptive discharge simulator for use in proficiency testing activities

Autores: Fabrício Gonçalves Torres, Felipe Santiago Apolinario

Resumo: The participation of testing or calibration laboratories in Proficiency Test activities offers advantages such as performance evaluation, fault identification, method comparison, increased customer confidence, and validation of uncertainties. In Brazil, accredited laboratories must follow the requirements of NIT-DICLA-026, which includes defining the significant parts of the scope and selecting appropriate providers. However, laboratories that perform destructive tests face difficulties in finding programs that meet their needs because they require homogeneous and stable artifacts, which are not feasible for tests that permanently alter the tested material, such as dielectric strength. This work aims to develop an artifact to enable the comparison of results in a dielectric strength proficiency test. The artifact should simulate the breakdown of dielectric strength without affecting electrical characteristics, following stability criteria. After validation through calibration, the artifact was used in a pilot proficiency testing program between the Electrical Metrology Laboratory and the End-Use and Energy Management Laboratory of Technological Research Institute (IPT). The results and their respective analyses are also presented.

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