[303634] Artigo – SEMETRO – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Elétrica

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[303634] Ensuring the validity of Zener calibration results based on calibration history

Autores: Regis P Landim, Helio R Carvalho, Renato S Costa

Resumo: Some techniques for ensuring the validity of Zener calibration results (that can be employed in other measurement analysis), based on the ISO/IEC 17025 standard, are presented. Some practical situations are presented and discussed. The use of a prediction technique improved the calibration procedure (which is the main contribution of this paper), leading to a robust ensurance of the validity of calibration results. The normalized error, EN, was also used as acceptance criterion. It was possible to verify two Zeners which have experienced power shortage, where one of them has maintained its historical calibration data (|EN| = 0.03), while the other one has not (|EN| = 2.19).
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