[306022] Artigo – CIMMEC – Congresso Internacional de Metrologia Mecânica

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[306022] Inmetro’s participation in the second run of SIM kilogram dissemination project (SKDP)

Autores: Fabio Andre Ludolf Cacais, Anderson Beatrici, Victor Loayza, Davi Quintão, Arlindo Rebelo

Resumo: Inmetro’s metrology mass laboratory (Lamas) participated in SIM Kilogram Dissemination Project (SKDP). The assessment of mass stability of the SIM21 1 kg stainless steel mass standard was carried out between 2018 and 2021 and a second run of measurements is in progress. The new results show a typical variability for a weighing system but not clear trend in measurements. Therefore one can say no mass drift for SIM21 mass standard was observed along the period between 2018 and 2023.

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