[295846] Artigo – CBMRI – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes

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[295846] An alternative low-cost proposal for monitoring environmental radiation in Brazil

Autores: Fernando Barcellos Razuck

Resumo: Nowadays, it is increasingly necessary to monitor environmental radiation to ensure the protection of the population from nuclear or radiological accidents. In this sense, some countries have already implemented environmental monitoring networks. Despite this, Brazil not only has a radiological survey of the subsoil of its territory, but also only a small fraction of the urban environment has been monitored, not yet having a network of monitoring stations. Thus, the objective of this work is to present a system already under development, which consists of an alternative way of permanently monitoring environmental radiation. The proposed system is based on a device developed to carry out this type of monitoring, as well as on works related to low-cost “citizen science” initiatives. In this case, the device itself is self-sufficient to take all the readings and send them via the mobile telephone network, depending only on energy provided by a battery. Each device is a mobile station composed of a Geiger counter, a temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure sensor, in addition to a microcontroller associated with a telephony chip and Global Positioning System (GPS). Today the system is in the calibration and adjustments phase, already having results of a preliminary study, in which more than 25,000 readings were collected accumulated in a period of about 15 days. The results, although preliminary and in need of adjustments in the filters and visualization on the map, demonstrate the applicability and full potential of the proposed system.

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