[309206] Artigo – CBMO – Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia Óptica

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[309206] Evaluation of the systematic effects in Mitutoyo short gauge interferometer related to optics and imaging

Autores: Walter Oliveira Jr., Igor Malinovski, Ricardo dos Santos França, Iakyra Borrakuens Couceiro

Resumo: Some systematic effects (uncertainties type B) of the Mitutoyo GBI short gauge interferometer were evaluated. Namely the front wave curvature, imager defects and uncertainty associated with fringe fraction extraction from phase stepped interferometric image stack. A new proprietary software for phase extraction was developed and used in this study. The software utilizes the direct fit of the sinusoidal wave to all measured phase points. Better evaluation of effects from GBI data processing was possible due to this locally developed software. High quality of the optics of the GBI is demonstrated by analysis of the height maps of the Mitutoyo reference flat plate. The metrological study performed shows possible directions of improvement of the interferometer.

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